I got the problem with writing Pair_style hybrid and pair_coeff

Please give me a guide
with the input atoms
1 Ti
2 C
3 Ni
interaction Ti-C, Ti-Ni are MEAM
Ni-Ni is EAM
C-C is tersoff
so i write potential as
pair_style hybrid/overlay meam eam tersoff morse 10.0
pair_coeff * * meam libraryTiC.meam Ti C TiC.meam Ti C
pair_coeff * * meam libraryNiTi.meam Ti Ni NiTi.meam Ti Ni
pair_coeff * * eam/alloy Ni.eam Ni Ni Ni.eam Ni Ni
pair_coeff * * tersoff SiC.tersoff C NULL NULL
pair_coeff 2 3 morse 0.999 4.162 # C-Ni

however output is error
Reading potential file meam.libraryTiC.meam with DATE: 2015-02-12
ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open MEAM potential file C (…/pair_meam.cpp:646)

please help me for this

This is makes no sense.

This makes even less sense.

There are syntax errors here.

You need to find a parameterization that covers all elements with the same pair style. Trying to achieve this by stitching different many-body potentials together ignores their manybody components and is guaranteed to produce bogus results, even if you figure out how to address the errors in your input.

Thanks Professor for this feedback
I agreed for the mistake in here

pair_coeff * * meam libraryTiC.meam Ti C TiC.meam Ti C
pair_coeff * * meam libraryNiTi.meam Ti Ni NiTi.meam Ti Ni
pair_coeff * * eam/alloy Ni.eam Ni Ni Ni.eam Ni Ni

however by read on docs.LAMMPS i still cannot fix it

There is no value in fixing this because your overall approach is completely bogus and pointless.

Thanks Professor for feedback.