I did some exercises to find the ideal strength of the potential energy function (Fe) which I’m using now. And I have some question.
Part 1:
I used my first file to change the length (Lattice constant) of Fe in the z direction. Then draw the figure about distance z and pressure Y(Z-Py). When the derivative is 0, as the ideal strength. (fig and script flow the text)
Q1: Am I using the right method to find the ideal strength of Fe? Because when I use ovito to check my dump file. I saw that distance between the atoms in each layer is very large. There is my fig and script: I use the .sh file to continuously change the parameters (like hogehogehoge etc)
variable material string Fe
variable x0 equal sqrt(2)
variable x1 equal 30
variable x2 equal 30
variable x3 equal 30
units metal
boundary p p p
atom_style atomic
lattice custom 1 a1 2.8553 0 0 a2 0 2.8553 0 a3 0 0 hogehogehoge basis 0 0 0 basis 0.5 0.5 0.5
region box block 0 ${x1} 0 ${x2} 0 ${x3}
create_box 1 box
create_atoms 1 box
pair_style eam/fs
pair_coeff * * Fe_2.eam.fs Fe
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh_modify delay 5
timestep 0.001
# ------------------------ compute pe,ke,stress ------------------------------
compute peratom all pe/atom
compute pe all reduce sum c_peratom
compute kinetic all ke/atom
compute ke all reduce sum c_kinetic
compute stress all stress/atom NULL
compute stress1 all reduce sum c_stress[1]
compute stress2 all reduce sum c_stress[2]
compute stress3 all reduce sum c_stress[3]
compute stress4 all reduce sum c_stress[4]
compute stress5 all reduce sum c_stress[5]
compute stress6 all reduce sum c_stress[6]
thermo 1000
thermo_style custom step lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz pe c_pe ke c_ke c_stress1 c_stress2 c_stress3 c_stress4 c_stress5 c_stress6
# Setup file output (time in ps, pressure in GPa)
# Output strain and stress info to file
# for units metal, pressure is in [bars] = 100 [kPa] = 1/10000 [GPa]
# p2, p3, p4 are in GPa
variable p2 equal "-pxx/10000"
variable p3 equal "-pyy/10000"
variable p4 equal "-pzz/10000"
variable p5 equal "lx"
variable p6 equal "ly"
variable p7 equal "lz"
variable p8 equal "temp"
variable p9 equal "pe"
variable p10 equal "ke"
variable p11 equal "-pxy/10000"
variable p12 equal "-pxz/10000"
variable p13 equal "-pyz/10000"
variable p14 equal "etotal"
variable p15 equal "vol"
variable steps equal "step"
variable fv equal "sqrt((v_p2-v_p3)^2+(v_p3-v_p4)^2+(v_p4-v_p2)^2+6*(v_p11^2+v_p12^2+v_p13^2)/2)" ##Von Mises Stress
fix equil1 all print 1000 "${steps} ${p2} ${p3} ${p4} ${p5} ${p6} ${p7} ${p8} ${p9} ${p10} ${p11} ${p12} ${p13} ${p14} ${p15} ${fv}" file outfix.txt
# ------------------------ Create custom files with Von Mises Stress for Ovito viewing ------------------------------
variable stress_atom atom sqrt(((c_stress[1]-c_stress[2])^2+(c_stress[2]-c_stress[3])^2+(c_stress[3]-c_stress[1])^2+6*((c_stress[4])^2+(c_stress[5])^2+(c_stress[6])^2))/2)
variable etotal_atom atom c_peratom+c_kinetic
dump out all custom 1 outdmp-pikapikapika.txt id type x y z fx fy fz v_stress_atom v_etotal_atom c_peratom c_kinetic c_stress[2]
run 0
Part 2:
When I noticed this, I change my file. I created a box of Fe(30x30x30). Separate it into group top and bot. And move the group top to draw the fig about move distance and Py.
Q2: Am I right? Because this fig has two peaks and peak value is too small. There is my fig and script:
units metal
boundary p s p
atom_style atomic
timestep 0.001
neighbor 0.3 bin
neigh_modify delay 5
lattice bcc 2.8553
region box block 0 85.659 0 85.659 0 85.659 units box
create_box 1 box
create_atoms 1 box
region top block INF INF 42.8295 INF INF INF units box
group top region top
group bot subtract all top
pair_style eam/fs
pair_coeff * * Fe_2.eam.fs Fe
compute 1 top group/group bot
compute peratom all pe/atom
compute pe all reduce sum c_peratom
compute kinetic all ke/atom
compute ke all reduce sum c_kinetic
compute stress all stress/atom NULL
compute stress1 all reduce sum c_stress[1]
compute stress2 all reduce sum c_stress[2]
compute stress3 all reduce sum c_stress[3]
compute stress4 all reduce sum c_stress[4]
compute stress5 all reduce sum c_stress[5]
compute stress6 all reduce sum c_stress[6]
thermo 1000
thermo_style custom lx ly lz press pxx pyy pzz pe c_pe ke c_ke c_stress1 c_stress2 c_stress3 c_stress4 c_stress5 c_stress6 c_1 c_1[1] c_1[2] c_1[3]
# Setup file output (time in ps, pressure in GPa)
# Output strain and stress info to file
# for units metal, pressure is in [bars] = 100 [kPa] = 1/10000 [GPa]
# p2, p3, p4 are in GPa
variable p2 equal "-pxx/10000"
variable p3 equal "-pyy/10000"
variable p4 equal "-pzz/10000"
variable p5 equal "lx"
variable p6 equal "ly"
variable p7 equal "lz"
variable p8 equal "temp"
variable p9 equal "pe"
variable p10 equal "ke"
variable p11 equal "-pxy/10000"
variable p12 equal "-pxz/10000"
variable p13 equal "-pyz/10000"
variable p14 equal "etotal"
variable p15 equal "vol"
variable steps equal "step"
variable fv equal "sqrt((v_p2-v_p3)^2+(v_p3-v_p4)^2+(v_p4-v_p2)^2+6*(v_p11^2+v_p12^2+v_p13^2)/2)" ##Von Mises Stress
fix equil1 all print 100 "${steps} ${p2} ${p3} ${p4} ${p5} ${p6} ${p7} ${p8} ${p9} ${p10} ${p11} ${p12} ${p13} ${p14} ${p15} ${fv}" file outfix.txt
fix 1 top move linear 0.0 0.1 0.0 units box
# ------------------------ Create custom files with Von Mises Stress for Ovito viewing ------------------------------
variable stress_atom atom sqrt(((c_stress[1]-c_stress[2])^2+(c_stress[2]-c_stress[3])^2+(c_stress[3]-c_stress[1])^2+6*((c_stress[4])^2+(c_stress[5])^2+(c_stress[6])^2))/2)
variable etotal_atom atom c_peratom+c_kinetic
dump out all custom 1000 outdmp-*.txt id type x y z fx fy fz v_stress_atom v_etotal_atom c_peratom c_kinetic c_stress[2] c_stress[1] c_stress[3] c_stress[4] c_stress[5] c_stress[6]
run 70000
I want to find the ideal strength of the potential energy function I used. If the two ways mentioned above are not correct, I hope to hear your guidance and suggestions.
Many thanks.