Illegal variable command

Hello everyone

Can any one help me figure out the mistake of writing this variable command in this way

variable       stemp equal v_T1+v_y1 * (v_T2-v_T1)/(v_y2-v_y1)

I received an error saying

ERROR: Illegal variable command (src/variable.cpp:410)
Last command: variable       stemp equal v_T1+v_y1 * (v_T2-v_T1)/(v_y2-v_y1)

this is the input file (5.3 KB)

There must be no blanks or you must use quotes.

I removed the blanks and received another error.

ERROR: Variable inBrokenBonds: Invalid compute ID 'BondsSum' in variable formula (src/variable.cpp:1347)
Last command: velocity       all create ${stemp} 12345 units box dist gaussian

I guess as you said the blanks cause that error.
But the other error is more complicated since the variable inBrokenBonds works fine when the condition of if " $(abs(v_T2-v_T1)) >70" command is satisfied. However, when elif " $(abs(v_T2-v_T1)) >1" I receive that error.

That error is not caused by any of the lines reported here.

yes, it’s from the excution on the second condition of if command. Can you please support me to spot the mistake?
this is the whole command I used:

variable       T2 equal 350
variable       T1 equal 340
variable       y1 equal 0
variable       y2 equal 0
timestep       0.001

label           loop
variable        i loop 2 2000


units          metal
dimension 	    3 
boundary       p p s
atom_style 	molecular


if "$i ==1 " then &
    "read_data" &
    "variable       stemp equal 1" &
elif "$i ==2 " &
"variable       stemp equal 345" &
"read_data" &
else "read_data"

##---------------ATOM DEFINITION------------------------------

group G1 type 1
group G2 type 2
group G3 type 3
group G4 type 4

##---------------FORCE FIELDS---------------------------------
bond_style 	harmonic
bond_coeff * 0.0 1.0
special_bonds lj/coul 1.0 1.0 1.0

pair_style 	airebo 3.0
pair_coeff     * * CH.airebo C C C C

##---------------neighbor list---------------------------------

neighbor       2.0 bin
neigh_modify   every 1


min_style      sd
minimize       1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000

reset_timestep 0
compute            pePerAtom all pe/atom 
compute            Peall all pe 
compute            2 all property/local batom1 batom2 btype
compute            3 all bond/local dist

velocity       all create ${stemp} 12345 units box dist gaussian 
fix            1 all npt temp ${stemp} ${stemp} 0.1 x 0 0 20 y 0 0 20 drag 0.1 
fix            2 all momentum 1 linear 1 1 1 angular rescale

compute            11234 G1 coord/atom cutoff 2.0 1 2 3 4
compute            2234 G2 coord/atom cutoff 2.0 2 3 4
compute            334 G3 coord/atom cutoff 2.0 3 4
compute            44 G4 coord/atom cutoff 2.0 4 

compute            BondsSum all reduce sum c_11234[2] c_2234[2] c_334[2] c_11234[1] &
c_2234[1] c_334[1] c_44 c_11234[4] c_11234[3] c_2234[3]

variable            inBrokenBonds equal 324-c_BondsSum[1]
variable            midBrokenBonds equal 108-c_BondsSum[2]
variable            outBrokenBonds equal 324-c_BondsSum[3]

variable            11Bonds equal c_BondsSum[4]*0.5
variable            22Bonds equal c_BondsSum[5]*0.5
variable            33Bonds equal c_BondsSum[6]*0.5
variable            44Bonds equal c_BondsSum[7]*0.5

variable            totalBrokenBonds equal v_inBrokenBonds+v_midBrokenBonds+v_outBrokenBonds
variable            recreatedBonds equal &
variable            grossBrokenBonds equal v_totalBrokenBonds-v_recreatedBonds

if " $(abs(v_T2-v_T1)) <70" then &
	"fix            9 all halt 400 v_totalBrokenBonds > 1.000000 error continue"

#In order to avoid errors czed from blown away atoms, deleted and leaving bonds behind.
# refresh/timestep bondtype Rmax probablity(100% seed)
fix 3 all bond/break 1 1 10.0 prob 1 85784
fix 4 all bond/break 1 2 10.0 prob 1 85784
fix 5 all bond/break 1 3 10.0 prob 1 85784
#fix 6 all bond/break 1 4 10.0 prob 1 85784
#fix 7 all bond/break 1 5 10.0 prob 1 85784

thermo_style   custom step temp v_grossBrokenBonds v_totalBrokenBonds v_inBrokenBonds v_midBrokenBonds &
v_outBrokenBonds v_11Bonds v_22Bonds v_33Bonds v_44Bonds c_BondsSum[8] c_BondsSum[9] c_BondsSum[10]
dump           ${i} all custom 1000 NP_A_DNT_6_${stemp}C id type x y z c_pePerAtom
thermo            200
thermo_modify   lost warn
thermo_modify  format 6 %4.0f
thermo_modify   format 7 %4.0f
thermo_modify   format 8 %6.0f
thermo_modify  format 9  %3.0f
thermo_modify   format 10 %3.0f
thermo_modify   format 11 %3.0f
thermo_modify   format 12 %5.0f
thermo_modify   format 13 %3.0f
thermo_modify   format 14 %3.0f

if "$i ==1 " then &
"run 500" &
else    "run 500" 

##---------------BiSection method--------------------------------------
if " $(abs(v_T2-v_T1)) >70" then &
	"""if "${grossBrokenBonds}<1.000000 && $i>1" then 
		'if "${T1}>${T2}" then 
			"variable       T1 equal ${stemp}" 
			"variable       stemp equal ${T1}+400" 
		else "variable       T1 equal ${stemp}" 
		     "variable       stemp equal (v_T1+v_T2)/2" ' 
	else	"variable       T2 equal ${stemp}" 
		"variable       stemp equal (v_T1+v_T2)/2" """ & 
elif " $(abs(v_T2-v_T1)) >1" &
	"""if "${grossBrokenBonds}<1.000000" then 
		"variable       y1 equal v_grossBrokenBonds-1.000000"
		"variable       T1 equal ${stemp}" 
		"variable       stemp equal v_T1+v_y1*(v_T2-v_T1)/(v_y2-v_y1)" 
	else	"variable       T2 equal ${stemp}" 
		"variable       y2 equal v_grossBrokenBonds-1.000000"
		"variable       stemp equal v_T2-v_y2*(v_T2-v_T1)/(v_y2-v_y1)" """ &
else "quit" 

if "$i==1" then &
    "write_data nocoeff nofix"

next            i
jump   loop


This is too complex and convoluted an input to easily spot an error, and there are no data files attached to run a trace. From this input the error makes no sense, since the failed command does not seem to directly or indirectly evaluate the variable that is causing the error. However, it is difficult to be certain without running a proper trace.

Overall this looks like you are trying to (ab)use the LAMMPS scripting language to do things that are beyond the complexity it was designed to handle. I don’t understand the logic of what you are trying to achieve and just looking at what is done and how makes my head hurt. :face_with_head_bandage: