Dear All,
How do I convert this Ethylene glycol topology and parameter set in GROMACS format to LAMMPS format in moltemplate?
So, I have this OPLS-AA file and the ethlyene glycol molecule file from ATB.
The set was obtained from this paper
#define _FF_OPLS
#define _FF_OPLSAA
[ defaults ]
; nbfunc comb-rule gen-pairs fudgeLJ fudgeQQ
1 3 yes 0.5 0.5
[ atomtypes ]
; name bond_type mass charge ptype sigma epsilon
CG CG 6 12.01100 0.1650 A 3.50000e-01 2.76144e-01
HG HG 1 1.00800 0.0600 A 2.50000e-01 1.25520e-01
OG OG 8 15.99940 -0.7200 A 3.00000e-01 7.11280e-01
HO HO 1 1.00800 0.4350 A 0.00000e+00 0.00000e+00
[ bondtypes ]
; i j func b0 kb
CG CG 1 0.15290 224262.0
CG HG 1 0.10900 284512.0
CG OG 1 0.14300 267776.0
OG HO 1 0.09450 462750.4
[ angletypes ]
; i j k func th0 cth
CG CG OG 1 108.00 418.40
CG CG HG 1 110.70 313.80
HG CG HG 1 107.80 276.14
HG CG OG 1 109.50 292.88
CG OG HO 1 108.50 460.24
[ dihedraltypes ]
; i j k l func coefficients
OG CG CG OG 3 9.852 11.989 4.987 -26.828 0.000 0.000
CG CG OG HO 3 -0.141 5.591 3.156 -8.606 0.000 0.000
; Fourier coefficients
; angle F1 F2 F3
; OCCO 16.264 -4.987 13.414
; CCOH 1.727 -3.156 4.303
Best regards,
Yunes Salman