Input File of Lamps

Dear All
I am a naive user who has started very recently.I got some test files from the example directory but
I am not sure how to create the input file for Lampps. I can generate the coordinates for the desired
system but to proceed ahead is quite intricate.I know it is not intelligent to ask, but your suggestions
will be highly appreciated.

Dear All
I am a naive user who has started very recently.I got some test files from
the example directory but
I am not sure how to create the input file for Lampps. I can generate the
coordinates for the desired
system but to proceed ahead is quite intricate.I know it is not intelligent
to ask, but your suggestions
will be highly appreciated.

the advice is simple:
keep reading the LAMMPS documentation,
and keep reading textbooks about MD.
then pick the simplest example files and
dissect them line by line until you understand
what each line is doing and then try to set up
a similar calculation all by yourself.

once you are comfortable setting up simple
simulations, you can move on to more complicated
stuff (don't rush, it will cost you much more time
later if you rush at the beginning) and then most
of the questions that you may currently have will
have all vanished.

keep in mind that you question is far to unspecific
and the answer to "i don't know what to do" has to
be "then find out what you want".
