Installation error - outdated LAPACK version

Good morning everyone,

Upon trying to install the newest version of Exciting on our local cluster, I encountered an error:

/usr/lib64/gcc/x86_64-suse-linux/7/../../../../x86_64-suse-linux/bin/ld: LU_factorization.o: in function `__lu_factorization_MOD_zgetrf2_wrapper':
LU_factorization.F90:(.text+0xf8e): undefined reference to `zgetrf2_'

With the help of a colleague I found out that our local version of LAPACK (3.5) was too old and that the function zgetrf2 didn’t exist yet. I tried to mitigate this problem by setting USE_SYS_LAPACK=false, but according to him the version of LAPACK supplied in the fluorine release was also too old and had the same problem.
When compiling with LAPACK 3.9, everything works as expected. If you can confirm this, maybe this post might aid others encountering the same issue upon compiling.

Have a nice day