Hi Masoud,
I have a couple of solutions for you that may work. First, it looks like the OpenKIM query site was down, which is why the command I gave you was hanging. You can try again and see if it works (after doing
source spack/share/spack/setup-env.sh
spack load kim-api
If that doesn’t work, this is my first time using Spack, so I may be misunderstanding, but it looks like there are some issues with the instructions on OpenKIM.org that we will need to fix. Meanwhile, based on what happened when I tried the install on my local machine, I may have a temporary fix for you.
When you do
kim-api-collections management list
you will see a list of models that are installed, which will be the small amount of demonstration models as you said. Under “system collection”, it will show you the paths where the model-drivers, portable-models and simulator-models are located for that collection, which is somewhere under the Spack installation, for me
etc. for portable-models and simulator-models (for you it will be something obviously different on your HPC)
If you look around your spack folders, there should be an analogous folder for openkim-models (as opposed to kim-api). For example, for me all the openkim-models model drivers were installed in
etc. for portable-models and simulator-models
The problem is that the KIM API doesn’t know how to find these. You can point the KIM API to look in these places by setting the environment variable
export KIM_API_MODEL_DRIVERS_DIR=/home/ilia/spack/opt/spack/linux-ubuntu22.04-icelake/gcc-11.3.0/openkim-models-2021-01-28-ez5vqozbya5a44wmlj5sm2wadluaa4ut/lib/kim-api/model-drivers
(the last one is probably unnecessary since you’re trying to use a portable models that uses a driver)
You will have to set these environment variables at every login.
Another option is to just copy the items from the openkim-models folders to the kim-api folders.
Hopefully one of these options will work for you!
Cheers, ilia