installation of VMD

Dear lammps users,

I want to install VMD in my system ,I tried but I am unable install . If any body knows please forward the procedure to my email.

Thank you.

My recollection is that VMD gives you an executable,
so there should be nothing to install. If you have
problems, I suggest you post a message to the VMD
mail list.


Dear lammps users,
I want to install VMD in my system ,I tried but I am unable install . If

please choose your forum wisely. this is the *LAMMPS* users forum, and
*not* the *VMD* mailing list.

any body knows please forward the procedure to my email.

VMD has a detailed installation guide on the VMD home page. please
read it and follow the instructions.


My recollection is that VMD gives you an executable,
so there should be nothing to install. If you have

sorry, but that is not correct. VMD is launched by a shell script and
comes with a set of support executables and libraries, which have to
set up through customizing that shell script. this is all part of the
installation procedure and documented *extremely* well. almost all
problems are due to either a broken X11/OpenGL configuration or users
not reading the documentation properly.
