Installing error

Hello, I am trying to install gulp-6.2, but I got the following error. Can anyone give me some advice?

…/m_alamode.F90(983): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [EXITSTAT]
call execute_command_line(runalm,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1079): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [WAIT]
call execute_command_line(runalm,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1079): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [EXITSTAT]
call execute_command_line(runalm,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(249): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width ‘W’ and the number of fractional digits ‘D’ in this edit descriptor is ‘W>=D+3’.
write(ioout,‘(’’ Displacement = ‘’,f8.6,‘’ Angstrom ‘’)‘) disp_fc2
…/m_alamode.F90(251): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width ‘W’ and the number of fractional digits ‘D’ in this edit descriptor is ‘W>=D+3’.
write(ioout,’(‘’ Cutoff = ‘’,f8.6,‘’ Angstrom ‘’)‘) cutoff_fc2
…/m_alamode.F90(262): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width ‘W’ and the number of fractional digits ‘D’ in this edit descriptor is ‘W>=D+3’.
write(ioout,’(‘’ Displacement = ‘’,f8.6,‘’ Angstrom ‘’)‘) disp_fc3
…/m_alamode.F90(264): remark #8290: Recommended relationship between field width ‘W’ and the number of fractional digits ‘D’ in this edit descriptor is ‘W>=D+3’.
write(ioout,’(‘’ Cutoff = ‘’,f8.6,‘’ Angstrom ‘’)') cutoff_fc3
…/m_alamode.F90(1279): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [WAIT]
call execute_command_line(runanphon,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1279): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [EXITSTAT]
call execute_command_line(runanphon,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1299): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [WAIT]
call execute_command_line(runanphon,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1299): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [EXITSTAT]
call execute_command_line(runanphon,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1428): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [WAIT]
call execute_command_line(runanphon,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)
…/m_alamode.F90(1428): error #6632: Keyword arguments are invalid without an explicit interface. [EXITSTAT]
call execute_command_line(runanphon,wait=.true.,exitstat=status)

Best guess is that your compiler (looks like Intel) might be too old as both moderately recent versions of gfortran (13.2) and Intel (2021.10.0) work OK. If you can’t update your compiler (or try different versions via module), then try using gfortran instead, which is free and so you can always get version 13.2 or similar.

Thank you very much. The problem has been solved according to your advice.