Interface Reactions App not giving results last few days - no maintenance logs

The Interface Reactions App is an excellent tool and I probably overuse it. But last few days it’s not giving me any results at all irrespective of platform I choose.

After a short bit of thinking it just says “There are no records to display”

It looks to me like someone has accidently broken its connection to the reference data or something like that, and probably not realised as I can’t see anyone else posting a bug about it.

@keirstitt thanks for reporting this! We’re glad that the Interface App is an important tool to you. I can reproduce the error and am looking into it. I’ll post an update here once I’ve identified the issue. Thank you for your patience.

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@keirstitt we just shipped a fix for the issue with the interface app. Please let us know if you’re still experiencing issues loading records in the interface app. Thanks!

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Thanks for this.

On the plus side whilst it was down i figured out that i can use pymatgen to run these. So like most technical problems there’s a silver lining.

Thanks again.