Is Amorphous Silica Building Right?

Currently I created an amorphous silica from silicon dioxide. I used VMD topotools to generate the initial position of each atoms in silicon dioxide. Here, the snippet read_data file

---------------------- read_data file of SiO2 -----------------------------------------
LAMMPS data file. CGCMM style. atom_style full generated by VMD/TopoTools v1.4 on Fri Sep 26 08:53:30 +0700 2014
6912 atoms
0 bonds
0 angles
0 dihedrals
0 impropers
2 atom types
0 bond types
0 angle types
0 dihedral types
0 improper types
-19.912001 19.912001 xlo xhi
-19.912001 19.912001 ylo yhi
-31.804502 30.727499 zlo zhi

Pair Coeffs

rpdf o-o.png

rpdf si-o.png

rpdf si-si.png

rpdf total.png