Is it possible to apply periodic boundary on a region


I just want to know before I can test it.

I would like to create a 2D circular area by creating a cylindrical region and applying a periodic boundary condition all around the circle, is that possible or not?

Thank you

You should make a sketch and figure out where atoms should go from where when there is a boundary.
Perhaps based on that, somebody can make a suggestions.

To me, this makes no sense on the physical level, so I would not even know how to start to program it.

I don’t think it is currently possible. Periodic boundary conditions are handled in ghost communication and everything assumes a rectangular (brick) decomposition. However you could write a custom fix that moves atoms around however you want.

You can tile the plane with hexagons (or triangles), and then remap the tiling to a rhombic unit cell, which (maybe?) can be handled by LAMMPS as a 2D simulation with an underlying triclinic box. That’s as close as math will let you get.