Is there a way to access the fw_spec on the workflow level

Hi all!
I posted a similar question on the atomate discussion group, but I got no answer yet and think that it might be better suited here anyway.

My situation is this: I want to write a complex workflow for interfaces, where I want to download bulk structures from an online repository (e.g. using MPRester) turn them into slabs and than combine the slabs into interfaces. On the way I want to relax the slabs and get some information from them, e.g. surface energies.
My Problem now is that I want to run previously defined Fireworks (like the OptimizeFW from atomate), but I have to pass a structure to them when I put them in my Workflow, which I of course do not have at that time.
A minimal example would be this (full example with all imports and definitions of FireTasks and functions is at the end of this post):

#input dictionary to be set as part of the spec:
material = {'formula': 'FeCo', 'miller': [0, 0, 1], 'min_thickness': 10}
#first Firework fetches the structure from the MaterialProject database and puts it in the fw_spec
#under fw_spec['structures'][material['formula']]
fw_1 = Firework(FT_FetchStructureFromInput(input_dict_name='material'),
                spec={'material': material})
#second Firework relaxes the structure (not really necessary here, other than for the example)
fw_2 = OptimizeFW(fw_spec['structures'][material['formula']], parents=[fw_1])
#Define the Workflow
wf = Workflow([fw_1, fw_2])
#finally, set up the LaunchPad and add the workflow to it
lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load() # loads this based on the FireWorks configuration
#Run the workflow

Of course I get the error that fw_spec is not defined:

[autoreload of Example_for_Forum failed: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/mwo/FireWorks/atomate_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/extensions/”, line 245, in check
superreload(m, reload, self.old_objects)
File “/home/mwo/FireWorks/atomate_env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/IPython/extensions/”, line 394, in superreload
module = reload(module)
File “/home/mwo/FireWorks/atomate_env/lib/python3.7/”, line 314, in reload
return importlib.reload(module)
File “/home/mwo/FireWorks/atomate_env/lib/python3.7/importlib/”, line 169, in reload
_bootstrap._exec(spec, module)
File “”, line 630, in _exec
File “”, line 728, in exec_module
File “”, line 219, in _call_with_frames_removed
File “/home/mwo/FireWorks/FireFlow/fireflow/”, line 105, in
fw_2 = OptimizeFW(fw_spec[‘structures’][material[‘formula’]], parents=[fw_1])
NameError: name ‘fw_spec’ is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):

File “/home/mwo/FireWorks/FireFlow/fireflow/”, line 105, in
fw_2 = OptimizeFW(fw_spec[‘structures’][material[‘formula’]], parents=[fw_1])

NameError: name ‘fw_spec’ is not defined

Is there a simple way to get access to the fw_spec? Or am I thinking in completely the wrong direction and using the fw_spec wrong? I was previously working with AiiDA, where there each workflow has a ‘context’, which is a dictionary that is accessible for all methods in the workflow. Just to illustrate why my first idea was to do something like this.

I would be very greatful if you could help me in this matter,

Here is the full example code:

from fireworks import FWAction, FiretaskBase, Firework, Workflow, LaunchPad
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize
from atomate.vasp.fireworks import OptimizeFW
from fireworks.core.rocket_launcher import rapidfire

def GetLowEnergyStructure(chem_formula, MP_ID=None, PrintInfo=False):
    A function that searches the MaterialsProject Database
    for structures that match the given chemical formula
    and selcts the one with the lowest formation energy
    per atom. If several 
    chem_formula (str): Required input of a chemical formula
                        e.g.: NaCl, Fe2O3, SiO, FeCW
    MP_ID (str):        Optional Input of Materials Project ID
                        of the exact desired structure
                        e.g. 'mp-990448'
    PrintInfo (bool):   Optional variable defaults to "False".
                        if set to "True", will print some
                        information about how many structures
                        have been found and the ID of the selcted
    Returns: pymatgen Structure object and associated MP_ID
    from pymatgen import MPRester

    # load structure from MaterialsProjct Website
    with MPRester() as mpr:
        if MP_ID:
            struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(MP_ID)
            return struct, MP_ID
            id_list = mpr.query(criteria={'pretty_formula': chem_formula,
                                        'e_above_hull': 0.0},
            if id_list == []:
                raise NameError('{} has not been found in the MaterialsProject'
                MP_ID = id_list[0]['material_id']
                struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(MP_ID)
                return struct, MP_ID

class FT_FetchStructureFromInput(FiretaskBase):
    """Fetches a structure from the MP database and puts it in the spec.
    Uses the helper function GetLowEnergyStructure to get the structure for a
    given chemical formula with the lowest formation energy. If a MP_ID is
    also given, this exact structure will be fetched. The 'structures' key of
    the spec is updated to include the fetched structur under the formula key.
    input_dict_name: str
        Required input dictionary where a chemical formula for the structure
        is given under the key 'formula'. The input key 'MP_ID' must also  be
        present but might be 'None' and will then not be used.
    updated structures dictionary in the spec.
    _fw_name = 'Fetch Structure From Input'
    required_params = ['input_dict_name']
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        input_dict = fw_spec[self['input_dict_name']]
        if 'mp_id' in input_dict:
            mp_id = input_dict['mp_id']
            mp_id = None
        structure, MP_ID = GetLowEnergyStructure(input_dict['formula'],
        if 'structures' in fw_spec:
            structures = fw_spec['structures']
            structures = {}          
        structures[input_dict['formula']] = structure
        spec = fw_spec
        spec.update({'structures': structures})
        return FWAction(update_spec = spec)

material = {'formula': 'FeCo', 'miller': [0, 0, 1], 'min_thickness': 10}

fw_1 = Firework(FT_FetchStructureFromInput(input_dict_name='material'),
                spec={'material': material})

fw_2 = OptimizeFW(fw_spec['structures'][material['formula']], parents=[fw_1])
wf = Workflow([fw_1, fw_2])

#finally, instatiate the LaunchPad and add the workflow to it
lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load() # loads this based on the FireWorks configuration


Hi Michael,

Most VASP Fireworks have an option to copy the output files of the previous Firework to the current folder and start from the previous POSCAR. Unfortunately, OptimizeFW doesn’t yet have this capability. We are working on a new version of atomate which will standardise all VASP Fireworks with this option, but it is still some time away from being released.

Unfortunately, the fw_spec is only available at runtime. Currently there is no easy solution to your problem short of creating a custom OptimizeFW that looks for the structure in fw_spec. You could copy most of the current OptimizeFW code but add a custom FireTask that writes the VASP input using the structure in fw_spec.

Sorry there is no easy answer here.


There is some more information on this concept available here:

Dear Alex, thanks for the quick and Helpful reply! Indeed the concept of CalcLogs is quite interesting. I am sure I read that page before, but apparently I forgot about this. Now I also understand the way the workflows of atomate are constructed a lot better! The idea is to pass the working directory between Fireworks and not use FWActions, right? Thus you can easily build workflows as long as the vasp-outputs of one (or more) Firework(s) are sufficient to fully describe the inputs of the next Firework. Now I am a lot less confused, but I am not sure if this concept is sufficient for my needs, since I need to transform Structures significantly between workflow steps.
However, the most modular, and thus probably the best way, would be to use smaller workflows, maybe with adapted atomate Fireworks and Firetasks, and chaining them together, maybe with FWAction(additions=[next_workflow],…) or FWAction(detours=[next_workflow],…)

For now I tested your suggestion to modify the OptimizeFW and realized that it is not too difficult. Mainly the WriteVaspFromIOSet Firetask needs to be adapted to accept the location of a structure in the spec instead of a structure. The modified example code is below if you are interested.

On another, but related note: While trying out the original OptimizeFW I noticed that MPScanRelaxSet() is not working, I think because no KPOINT file is used there, instead the KSPACING keyword in the INCAR is used. Is this on the radar of the atomate developers, or rather: Do you plan to allow the use of the SCAN functional in the near future, or is this also something I should hack?

Many thanks again, Michael

Here is the code with the modified OptimizeFW and WriteVaspFromIOSet:

from fireworks import FWAction, FiretaskBase, Firework, Workflow, LaunchPad
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import explicit_serialize
from fireworks.core.rocket_launcher import rapidfire

from atomate.vasp.firetasks.parse_outputs import VaspToDb
from atomate.utils.utils import load_class
from atomate.common.firetasks.glue_tasks import PassCalcLocs
from atomate.vasp.firetasks.run_calc import RunVaspCustodian
from atomate.vasp.config import HALF_KPOINTS_FIRST_RELAX, RELAX_MAX_FORCE, \
from HelperFunctions import *

class WriteVaspFromIOSet_Mod(FiretaskBase):
    Create VASP input files using implementations of pymatgen's AbstractVaspInputSet. An input set
    can be provided as an object or as a String/parameter combo.

    Required params:
        structure_spec_loc (list of str): Location of the input structure
                in the fw_spec. E.g. ['structures', 'to_relax', 'MyStruct']
                will point to fw_spec['structures']['to_relax']['MyStruct']
        vasp_input_set (AbstractVaspInputSet or str): Either a VaspInputSet object or a string
            name for the VASP input set (e.g., "MPRelaxSet").

    Optional params:
        vasp_input_params (dict): When using a string name for VASP input set, use this as a dict
            to specify kwargs for instantiating the input set parameters. For example, if you want
            to change the user_incar_settings, you should provide: {"user_incar_settings": ...}.
            This setting is ignored if you provide the full object representation of a VaspInputSet
            rather than a String.

    required_params = ["structure_spec_loc", "vasp_input_set"]
    optional_params = ["vasp_input_params"]

    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        structure = GetValueFromNestedDict(fw_spec, self['structure_spec_loc'])
        # if a full VaspInputSet object was provided
        if hasattr(self['vasp_input_set'], 'write_input'):
            vis = self['vasp_input_set']

        # if VaspInputSet String + parameters was provided
            vis_cls = load_class("", self["vasp_input_set"])
            vis = vis_cls(structure, **self.get("vasp_input_params", {}))

class OptimizeFW_Mod(Firework):

    def __init__(self, structure_spec_loc,
                 name="structure optimization", vasp_input_set='MPRelaxSet',
                 vasp_cmd=VASP_CMD, override_default_vasp_params=None,
                 ediffg=None, db_file=DB_FILE,
                 force_gamma=True, job_type="double_relaxation_run",
                 half_kpts_first_relax=HALF_KPOINTS_FIRST_RELAX, parents=None,
        Optimize the given structure.

            structure_spec_loc (list of str): Location of the input structure
                in the fw_spec. E.g. ['structures', 'to_relax', 'MyStruct']
                will point to fw_spec['structures']['to_relax']['MyStruct']
            name (str): Name for the Firework.
            vasp_input_set (VaspInputSet): input set to use. Defaults to MPRelaxSet() if None.
            override_default_vasp_params (dict): If this is not None, these params are passed to
                the default vasp_input_set, i.e., MPRelaxSet. This allows one to easily override
                some settings, e.g., user_incar_settings, etc.
            vasp_cmd (str): Command to run vasp.
            ediffg (float): Shortcut to set ediffg in certain jobs
            db_file (str): Path to file specifying db credentials to place output parsing.
            force_gamma (bool): Force gamma centered kpoint generation
            job_type (str): custodian job type (default "double_relaxation_run")
            max_force_threshold (float): max force on a site allowed at end; otherwise, reject job
            auto_npar (bool or str): whether to set auto_npar. defaults to env_chk: ">>auto_npar<<"
            half_kpts_first_relax (bool): whether to use half the kpoints for the first relaxation
            parents ([Firework]): Parents of this particular Firework.
            \*\*kwargs: Other kwargs that are passed to Firework.__init__.
        override_default_vasp_params = override_default_vasp_params or {}

        t = []
        t.append(RunVaspCustodian(vasp_cmd=vasp_cmd, job_type=job_type,
            VaspToDb(db_file=db_file, additional_fields={"task_label": name}))
        super(OptimizeFW_Mod, self).__init__(t, parents=parents, name="{}-{}".
                                             structure_spec_loc[-1], name),

def GetLowEnergyStructure(chem_formula, MP_ID=None, PrintInfo=False):
    A function that searches the MaterialsProject Database
    for structures that match the given chemical formula
    and selcts the one with the lowest formation energy
    per atom. If several 
    chem_formula (str): Required input of a chemical formula
                        e.g.: NaCl, Fe2O3, SiO, FeCW
    MP_ID (str):        Optional Input of Materials Project ID
                        of the exact desired structure
                        e.g. 'mp-990448'
    PrintInfo (bool):   Optional variable defaults to "False".
                        if set to "True", will print some
                        information about how many structures
                        have been found and the ID of the selcted
    Returns: pymatgen Structure object and associated MP_ID
    from pymatgen import MPRester

    # load structure from MaterialsProjct Website
    with MPRester() as mpr:
        if MP_ID:
            struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(MP_ID)
            return struct, MP_ID
            id_list = mpr.query(criteria={'pretty_formula': chem_formula,
                                        'e_above_hull': 0.0},
            if id_list == []:
                raise NameError('{} has not been found in the MaterialsProject'
                MP_ID = id_list[0]['material_id']
                struct = mpr.get_structure_by_material_id(MP_ID)
                return struct, MP_ID

def GetValueFromNestedDict(dictionary,key_list):
    """Take a list of keys and a nested dictionary and return the value.
    A (usually nested) dictionary is given along side a list of keys to this
    dictionary. The value at the end of this key_list is returned using a
    recursive method. E.g. key_list=['key_a', 'key_b', 'key_c'] will return

    dictionary : dict
        Input dictionary which can be nested
    key_list : list of str
        The list of keys to the nested dictionary at the end of which the
        value that is needed is located

        Returns whatever is stored at the appropriate position in the
        dictionary. Type can vary!

    if len(key_list) > 1:
        return GetValueFromNestedDict(dictionary[key_list[0]], key_list[1:])
    return dictionary[key_list[0]]

class FT_FetchStructureFromInput(FiretaskBase):
    """Fetches a structure from the MP database and puts it in the spec.
    Uses the helper function GetLowEnergyStructure to get the structure for a
    given chemical formula with the lowest formation energy. If a MP_ID is
    also given, this exact structure will be fetched. The 'structures' key of
    the spec is updated to include the fetched structur under the formula key.
    input_dict_name: str
        Required input dictionary where a chemical formula for the structure
        is given under the key 'formula'. The input key 'MP_ID' must also  be
        present but might be 'None' and will then not be used.
    updated structures dictionary in the spec.
    _fw_name = 'Fetch Structure From Input'
    required_params = ['input_dict_name']
    def run_task(self, fw_spec):
        input_dict = fw_spec[self['input_dict_name']]
        if 'mp_id' in input_dict:
            mp_id = input_dict['mp_id']
            mp_id = None
        structure, MP_ID = GetLowEnergyStructure(input_dict['formula'],
        if 'structures' in fw_spec:
            structures = fw_spec['structures']
            structures = {}          
        structures[input_dict['formula']] = structure
        spec = fw_spec
        spec.update({'structures': structures})
        return FWAction(update_spec = spec)

material = {'formula': 'Fe', 'miller': [0, 0, 1], 'min_thickness': 10}

fw_1 = Firework(FT_FetchStructureFromInput(input_dict_name='material'),
                spec={'material': material})

fw_2 = OptimizeFW_Mod(structure_spec_loc=['structures', material['formula']],
wf = Workflow([fw_1, fw_2])

# finally, instatiate the LaunchPad and add the workflow to it
lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load() # loads this based on the FireWorks configuration


Hi Michael,

I’m glad that cleared things up. Please let me know if you run into any other problems with the calc loc approach.

As for running SCAN calculations, the calculation procedure is a little different than for GGA calculations, therefore it is not as simple as just substituting in the MPRelaxSet for MPScanRelaxSet. However, a new workflow was recently added to atomate that enables SCAN calculations. You can access it here:

from atomate.vasp.workflows.presets import wf_scan_opt

Note that you will need to use the latest versions of pymatgen, atomate, and custodian for the Workflow to run successfully.


Thanks again! I will check out the wf_scan_opt!