Dear members of the LAMMPS mailing list,
I have been attempting to build and install the LAMMPS Python interface (Pylammps) to leverage the advantages of accessing thermos data. However, I am encountering the following error:
Based on my understanding from the documentation, if I set up a simulation with a single run using
and have the thermo data outputted at each step, I should be able to access the thermo output of this run using L.runs[0]
. This should result in a list of thermo data for the first run, containing the thermo data at each step.
However, when I use L.runs[0]
, I only get the thermo data at the last step of my run. For example, L.runs[0]
[Run(thermo=ThermoData(Step=[100], Time=[0.1], Temp=[300.01106304681286], PotEng=[-3466.4364575685695]))]
Here is the process I followed to build and install LAMMPS as a shared library:
Step 1: Download the LAMMPS source with git
git clone -b stable lammps
Step 2: Create a virtual environment named Pylammps:
conda create --name Pylammps
conda activate Pylammps
Step 3 Build LAMMPS as a shared library:
. Return to the main LAMMPS directory
cd lammps
mkdir build-shared
cd build-shared
make install-python
I am using LAMMPS VERSION: 20230802 lammps-gui-v1.2 on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 with CMake version 3.27.9. The build and installation were successful. However, upon initializing Pylammps, I see a warning:
LAMMPS (2 Aug 2023 - Update 1)
OMP_NUM_THREADS environment is not set. Defaulting to 1 thread. (src/comm.cpp:98)
using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
LAMMPS output is captured by PyLammps wrapper
**WARNING: run thermo data not captured since PYTHON LAMMPS package is not enabled**
Does this warning have something to do with L.runs
not displaying the thermos data as expected? How can I resolve this issue?
Thank you!