jump SELF error

Dear All

I have ran following script with a serial version of LAMMPS on my laptop and I have got the results with no error, but when I ran it on a cluster system with a parallel version (open mpi) gives the following error.

ERROR: Label wasn't found in input script (input.cpp:160)

I think it relates to "jump SELF firstloop" command, that is different in windows and linux systems but I couldn't fix it.
I would be thankful if you let me know how could I fix it.


#### my script  ####
dimension      3
boundary       p p p
units          metal
atom_style     atomic

neighbor               2.0 nsq                     
neigh_modify           delay 5     

read_data      data.txt

group All type 1 2
region Left block -3 25 -5 45 -70 70   units box
group Left region Left

region Right block 175 200 -5 45 -70 70   units box
group Right region Right

group Middle subtract All Left Right
group Boundary union Left Right

pair_style tersoff
pair_coeff * * BNC.tersoff N B

# ---------- Run Simulation --------------------- 

variable myx equal -0.2
variable myy equal 0
variable myz equal 0
variable myvy equal 0
variable myvz equal 0

variable myx1 equal 0
variable myvx equal 0

variable a loop 40

dump 1 all custom 100 dump1.lammpstrj id type x y z 

fix 3 Left setforce 0 0 0
fix 4 Right setforce 0 0 0

label firstloop

fix 11  Right move variable v_myx v_myy v_myz v_myvx v_myvy v_myvz
fix 12  Left move variable v_myx1 v_myy v_myz v_myvx v_myvy v_myvz

fix 1 Middle npt temp 300.0 300.0 100.0 iso 0.0 0.0 1000.0 drag 1.0

# ---------- Run Minimization --------------------- 
thermo 100 

thermo_style custom step pe lx ly lz 
min_style cg 
minimize 1e-25 1e-25 5000 10000 

# ---------- Simulation --------------------- 

timestep 0.001

thermo 50
thermo_style  custom  step pe lx ly lz 
#dump 1 all xyz 100 [dump.xyz](http://dump.xyz)

run 10000

next a
jump SELF firstloop

Dear All

I have ran following script with a serial version of LAMMPS on my laptop and I have got the results with no error, but when I ran it on a cluster system with a parallel version (open mpi) gives the following error.

ERROR: Label wasn't found in input script (input.cpp:160)

I think it relates to "jump SELF firstloop" command, that is different in windows and linux systems but I couldn't fix it.

what is your command line to launch LAMMPS? what is the version of
LAMMPS you are using?

please note, that there is no difference in the jump command between
Linux and Windows (nor is there a difference for "label"),
and please check out the note in the documentation for the jump
command when reading from stdin and running in parallel.
