Keyword lattce has out of range element index (src/USER-MEAMC/pair_meamc.cpp:640)

I download the library.meam and SiC.meam from

Then I test the in.script without openkim, the following is my in.script

pair_style  	meam
pair_coeff	* * library.meam C SiC.meam C

but there is a error:

ERROR: Error in MEAM parameter file: keyword lattce has out of range element index (src/USER-MEAMC/pair_meamc.cpp:640)
Last command: pair_coeff	* * library.meam C SiC.meam C

And I have tested the in.script by using kim_init, it can work.

Could you please help me to check the root cause?

Thanks in advance and regards,

Hello Yanyan,

You have an error in your usage of the files in LAMMPS. The SiC.meam file is designed to work with both Si and C and so both must be specified in the pair_coeff command between library.meam and SiC.meam. See the example in the LAMMPS documentation page

So, try this:

pair_style meam
pair_coeff * * library.meam Si C SiC.meam C


Hi Ryan,
Thank you so much! Maybe I should read the manual more carefully.

Best regards

Hi Yanyan,
I have encountered similar issue !
could you please help me and tell me whhether you could solve this issue?