Then I test the in.script without openkim, the following is my in.script
pair_style meam
pair_coeff * * library.meam C SiC.meam C
but there is a error:
ERROR: Error in MEAM parameter file: keyword lattce has out of range element index (src/USER-MEAMC/pair_meamc.cpp:640)
Last command: pair_coeff * * library.meam C SiC.meam C
And I have tested the in.script by using kim_init, it can work.
You have an error in your usage of the files in LAMMPS. The SiC.meam file is designed to work with both Si and C and so both must be specified in the pair_coeff command between library.meam and SiC.meam. See the example in the LAMMPS documentation page
So, try this:
pair_style meam
pair_coeff * * library.meam Si C SiC.meam C