Dear LAMMPS-creators,
I am a beginner and using lammps to create agglomerates of milk powder particles. I want the milk powder particles to fall onto the wall by gravity and form agglomerates. But during the run I am warned that the atoms are being lost.
At the bottom of the simulation box I set up the wall and ran the thermodynamic information once per frame. With ovito I observed that the atoms went through the wall and disappeared.
I am constantly trying to modify the code, if you have time, maybe you can give me some valuable advices.
My code is attached below.
variable name string pour_into_box
atom_style sphere
units si
variable boxx equal 1000e-6
variable boxy equal 1000e-6
variable boxz equal 1000e-6
variable x1 equal 0
variable x2 equal 1*${boxy}
variable y1 equal 0
variable y2 equal 1*${boxy}
variable z1 equal 0.5*${boxz}
variable z2 equal 1*${boxz}
variable z3 equal 0.001*${boxz}
variable rlo equal 14e-6
variable rhi equal 18e-6
variable dlo equal 2.0*${rlo}
variable dhi equal 2.0*${rhi}
variable dens equal 450
variable skin equal 10*${rhi}
region boxreg block 0 ${boxx} 0 ${boxy} 0 ${boxz}
create_box 1 boxreg
change_box all boundary p p f
pair_style granular
pair_coeff 1 1 jkr 3.57e9 0.8 0.12 0.0574 tangential mindlin NULL 0.7 0.5 rolling sds 500.0 200.0 0.5 twisting marshall
comm_modify vel yes
region insreg1 block ${x1} ${x2} ${y1} ${y2} ${z1} ${z2}
region wallreg block 0 ${boxx} 0 ${boxy} 0 ${z3}
fix 1 all nve/sphere
fix grav all gravity 10.0 vector 0 0 -1
fix ins1 all pour 2000 1 54436 region insreg1 diam range ${dlo} ${dhi} dens ${dens} ${dens}
delete_atoms overlap 0.54e-6 all all
neighbor ${skin} bin
neigh_modify delay 0 every 1 check yes
fix 2 all wall/gran/region granular jkr 3.57e9 0.8 0.12 0.0574 tangential mindlin NULL 0.7 0.5 rolling sds 500.0 200.0 0.5 twisting marshall region wallreg
compute 1 all erotate/sphere
thermo_style custom step atoms ke
thermo_modify lost warn
thermo 1
timestep 0.0001
dump 1 all custom 1 ${name}.dump id type radius mass x y z
run 5000