Not sure whether this is a bug or not, so thought I would post it here before on Github.
I am running the 4 Feb 2025 - Development - patch_4Feb2025-446-g6f0a59372c version of LAMMPS. Upon inputing a file name which does not exist after -in in the command line, LAMMPS stalls it seems, it does not exit with an error message (e.g. “File not found”) which I am pretty sure it did before. I have tested this on two different clusters with the same behavior, both using the intel/2024a compiler toolchain.
When I compile LAMMPS with the foss/2024a toolchain (Compiler: GNU C++ 13.3.0 with OpenMP 4.5), I get the correct behavior:
(base) [oystegul@idun-login1 build]$ ./lmp -in xxx
ERROR: Cannot open input script xxx: No such file or directory (src/lammps.cpp:565)
However, when I compile LAMMPS with the intel/2023b or intel/2024a toolchains, it just stalls when using srun and -in in the command-line and with wrong input file name.
When I try to run lammps directly without srun I get this error message:
(base) [oystegul@idun-login1 build]$ ./lmp -in xxx
Abort(1090319) on node 0 (rank 0 in comm 0): Fatal error in PMPI_Init: Unknown error class, error stack:
MPIR_pmi_init(169)...: PMI2_Job_GetId returned 14
and the same error message when I try ./lmp -h. So it seems to be related to the Intel compilers.
On the latest stable version of LAMMPS (29 Aug 2024 - Update 2), the behavior is correct, i.e. the job exits with error message: ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open input script asdfasdfasdf: No such file or directory (src/lammps.cpp:565)
This is with a LAMMPS compiled with Intel compilers (intel/2024a).
On the latest release version of LAMMPS (4 Feb 2025), the problem is the same as on the develop version of LAMMPS, i.e. LAMMPS stalls without exiting and without error message.