lammps fortran version, FFT problem


There is a communication problem between C and fortran,

when they are used with openmpi. There is no problem, if you use mpich or mpich2.

When using openmpi, the code crashes in line 602 in "fft_3d.c" where the MPI_Comm_rank(comm,&me) is executed. This happens because the <<comm>> variable in "fft_3d.c" has different default value from the fortran <<MPI_COMM_WORLD>>.

If you insist on using openmpi, then you should replace the <<comm>> variable in fft_3d.c with MPI_COMM_WORLD inside all mpi commands; then the code should run without any problem.

More details about this problem, please see

Takis Kolokathis

School of Chemical Engineering

National Technical University of Athens

The Fortran version of LAMMPS was written before
OpenMPI existed. If you have a simple fix for this
issue, we’d consider adding it to the Fortran version.
But we really don’t maintain the 15-year old version

of the code.


The Fortran version of LAMMPS was written before
OpenMPI existed. If you have a simple fix for this
issue, we’d consider adding it to the Fortran version.
But we really don’t maintain the 15-year old version
of the code.

MPI_Comm_f2c() and MPI_Comm_c2f() are the canonical way to exchange communicators between fortran and C/C++