From the following code, in the section (Compress by moving wall and check p3 <-222GPa), I want compress the structure by a moving wall from “z_low2” to “zlow3” in 80000 steps. Meanwhile I want to check the value of “p3” after every 100 steps to check if it is less than 222GPa. If it is less than 222GPa I want to break that run and go to the next step.
But, this code is compressing the wall from z_low2 to z_low3 in 100 steps. #help
The code:
dimension 3
boundary p p f
atom_style atomic
units metal
timestep 0.00025 #0.25 fs
#--------------------------------Geometrty Define--------------------------------#
read_data Graphene_5L.lmp
group structure type 1
pair_style lcbop
pair_coeff * * C.lcbop C
#--------------------------------Compute Variable--------------------------------#
variable t equal 300
variable shear_rate equal 0.00573913
variable p equal 0.0
variable zhigh equal 18.60
variable zlow_1 equal 9.40
variable zlow_2 equal 5.40
variable zlow_3 equal 2.60
variable zlow_4 equal 3.9125
variable zlow_5 equal 3.9055
variable Lz0 equal 17.0
compute 2 structure stress/atom NULL
compute 3 structure reduce sum c_2[1] c_2[2] c_2[3] c_2[4] c_2[5] c_2[6]
compute 4 structure pe/atom
compute 5 structure reduce sum c_4
compute mytemp structure temp
#-----------------------------------Setup Walls----------------------------------#
fix w_low all wall/reflect zlo -4.0
fix w_high all wall/reflect zhi ${zhigh}
#----------------------------Velocity And Temperature----------------------------#
#min_style cg
#minimize 1.0e-20 1.0e-20 100000 100000
#write_data mindata.lmp
velocity all create $t 489247
thermo 100
thermo_style custom step temp lx ly lz c_5 c_3[3] press pzz pxz pyz pe etotal
dump 1 all custom 1000 relaxation.dump id type x y z c_4 c_2[3]
fix 1 all npt temp $t t (100.0dt) x $p p (1000.0dt) y $p p (1000.0*dt)
run 25000
unfix 1
fix 2 all nvt temp $t t (100.0*dt)
run 25000
unfix w_high
undump 1
write_data relaxed.lmp
reset_timestep 0
variable p1 equal “-(0.0001pxx)(lz/v_Lz0)”
variable p2 equal “-(0.0001pyy)(lz/v_Lz0)”
variable p3 equal “-(0.0001pzz)(lz/v_Lz0)”
variable p4 equal “-(0.0001pxy)(lz/v_Lz0)”
variable p5 equal “-(0.0001pxz)(lz/v_Lz0)”
variable p6 equal “-(0.0001pyz)(lz/v_Lz0)”
variable en_pe equal pe
variable en_tot equal etotal
change_box all triclinic
#------------------------- Compress By Moving Walls -------------------------#
variable ramp equal ramp({zhigh},{zlow_1})
fix 3 all wall/reflect zhi v_ramp
fix result_stress all print 100 “{p1} {p2} {p3} {p4} {p5} {p6}” file Diamond_Stress.txt screen no
fix result_en all print 100 “{en_pe} {en_tot}” file Diamond_Energy.txt screen no
run 45000
variable ramp delete
#--------------------------------- Compression ----------------------------------#
dump 2 all custom 100 Compress.dump id type x y z c_2[1] c_2[2] c_2[3] c_2[4] c_2[5] c_2[6]
variable ramp equal ramp({zlow_1},{zlow_2})
run 115000
#—Compress By Moving Walls (look for p3 <-222GPa and break the run) ----#
variable ramp delete
variable ramp equal ramp({zlow_2},{zlow_3})
label loop
variable a loop 80000
run 100
if “${p3} < -222.0” then “jump SELF break”
next a
jump SELF loop
label break
#-------------------------Relaxed in Compressed Position-------------------------#
variable ramp delete
variable ramp equal ${zlow_5}
run 100000
#---------------------------Decompress By Moving Walls---------------------------#
variable ramp delete
variable ramp equal ramp({zlow_5},{zlow_2})
run 268000
variable ramp delete
variable ramp equal ramp({zlow_2},{zhigh})
run 110000
unfix 2
unfix w_low
unfix 3
change_box all boundary p p p
fix relax_final all npt temp $t t (100.0dt) x $p p (1000.0dt) y $p p (1000.0dt) z $p p (1000.0dt)
run 25000
unfix relax_final
print “All Done!”