Lammps , Shear on Star Particle


I am trying to apply shear in the star particle script. Could you proovide me a way to do so ?

I try to follow the in.shear script from the example folder of Lammps Distribution. But it is not working.

I have attached my star particle script along with its data file and also the in.shear file for clarify my query.

Thanks in Advance.

Salehin (11 KB)

in.shear (1.33 KB) (2.47 KB)


I am trying to apply shear in the star particle script. Could you proovide
me a way to do so ?

I try to follow the in.shear script from the example folder of Lammps
Distribution. But it is not working.

​what do you mean by "it is not working"? if you want help from people, you
should at least tell them exactly what your problem is and not make them
figure that out, too. i can take your input deck and it "works for me",
i.e. it runs to completion.


Please accept my apology if I failed to clarify my query.

I tried to apply shear on star particle script. Those scripts that I have attached…all works fine individually.
Have you applied shear in the script and then run it ?
Could you provide me that modified script ?

Please accept my apology if I failed to clarify my query.

I tried to *apply shear* on *star particle* script. Those scripts that I
have attached....all works fine individually.
Have you applied shear in the script and then run it ?

​no, but obviously you haven't tried either. i don't see any code in​ related to that.

Could you provide me that modified script ?

​i am getting the suspicion that you didn't even try and that you are
attempting to con somebody on the list into doing your work for you.
this is not how mailing lists work. if you explain what you tried and where
it failed and provide the related input, somebody may look into it, but
with the current state of affairs i would say you are out of luck.


I have tried several ways …among them this one is the latest and this one does not complete its run and for some unknown reason it stuck at some point. I have attached my log file for your better understanding.

The previously used way was wrong and now I know why it was wrong. But I have attached that one too here.
Thanks. (2.82 KB)

log.lammps (7.48 KB) (11 KB) (3.33 KB)

this is the newest one and the log file is attached before.
Thanks. (2.82 KB)

The script is using the Muller-Plathe fix

which induces shear in a spatially-dependent manner.

I don’t see why you would need to add or "apply

shear" to that script. It should work as-is.


i use velocity command with ramp argument to apply shear…is it ok to apply shear this way?

The velocity command only sets an initial velocity.

Which may or may not persist depending on your simualtion.

To apply continuous shear, you need to use other methods

like those described in Section howto for viscosity.
