[lammps-users] About potential of composite

Respected Sir,

I am sorry to asked some nonrelated LAMMPS question. My hope was that I can get some starting idea on potential of polymer and its composite. Because there must be some peoples who already knows how to face it or otherwise what should be that staring documents.

Thanking you

Respected Sir,

I am sorry to asked some nonrelated LAMMPS question. My hope was that
I can get some starting idea on potential of polymer and its
composite. Because there must be some peoples who already knows how to
face it or otherwise what should be that staring documents.

that is _exactly_ the reason why there are scientific
journals and text books, i.e. to share knowledge gained.

all you have to do is to look for publications on typical
systems, find out what potentials they use, and then look
up the publications that describe how these potentials
were derived. this is standard scientific workflow and
something that your teachers/advisors should have taught
you _before_ asking you to do a specific project.
