Dear lammps users
Up to now I created data files with msi2lpm using .car and .mdf files. Now I switched to the ch2lmp tool using pdb and psf data. Although the molecule geometries, force parameters, bonds, angles, box sizes, surrounding water molecules etc. are exactely the same in the two data files (only the atom, typeIDs etc. are differently distributed among the atoms), there are small differences in the resulting structures.
So I looked at the log.files and the strange thing about it is :although I used the same in. files, Lammps versions and machine its header is not the same (have a look below). What is most confusing the max numbers of bonds and dihedrals are to low in the ch2lmp log.file. The calculated numbers (for instance max bonds/atom=3) cant be true as can be seen by comparison with the Bonds list in the ch2lpm data file (for instance atomId 10 has 4 next neighbors).
What is going on here? Why differences in the logfiles? Has the difference in max bond consequences on the results, or is it just an information not used any more later?
Hope somebody can help me.
Best regards
head of log.file for the msi datafile:
LAMMPS (9 Jan 2009)
Scanning data file …
4 = max bonds/atom
6 = max angles/atom
15 = max dihedrals/atom
2 = max impropers/atom
Reading data file …
orthogonal box = (0 -10 0) to (32 32 32.86)
from data.file:
1 1 1 5 # CT1 NH3
2 2 1 2 # HC NH3
3 2 1 3 # HC NH3
4 2 1 4 # HC NH3
5 3 5 6 # CT1 HB
6 4 5 7 # CC CT1
7 5 5 8 # CT1 CT2
8 6 7 23 # CC OC
9 6 7 22 # CC OC
10 7 8 9 # CT2 HA
11 7 8 10 # CT2 HA
12 8 8 11 # CA CT2
13 9 11 12 # CA CA
14 9 11 20 # CA CA
15 10 12 13 # CA HP
16 9 12 14 # CA CA
17 10 14 15 # CA HP
18 9 14 16 # CA CA
19 10 16 17 # CA HP
20 9 16 18 # CA CA
21 10 18 19 # CA HP
22 9 18 20 # CA CA
23 10 20 21 # CA HP
head for the ch2lmp data.file:
LAMMPS (9 Jan 2009)
units real
atom_style full
boundary p p f
pair_style lj/charmm/coul/long 15.0 16.0 16.0
bond_style harmonic
angle_style charmm
dihedral_style charmm
improper_style harmonic ## this block is missing in the above version
kspace_style pppm 0.0001
kspace_modify slab 3.0
read_data # here is the name of the file above just sanning data file
3 = max bonds/atom # wrong input !!!
6 = max angles/atom
12 = max dihedrals/atom # wrong input
2 = max impropers/atom
orthogonal box = (0 -10 0) to (32 32 32.86)
1 5 1 3 # CC OC
2 5 1 2 # CC OC
3 4 1 8 # CC CT1
4 8 4 8 # CT1 NH3
5 10 5 4 # HC NH3
6 10 6 4 # HC NH3
7 10 7 4 # HC NH3
8 7 8 9 # CT1 HB
9 6 10 8 # CT1 CT2
10 9 10 11 # CT2 HA
11 9 10 12 # CT2 HA
12 2 13 10 # CA CT2
13 3 14 15 # CA HP
14 1 14 13 # CA CA
15 1 16 14 # CA CA
16 3 16 17 # CA HP
17 1 18 22 # CA CA
18 1 18 16 # CA CA
19 3 18 19 # CA HP
20 1 20 13 # CA CA
21 3 20 21 # CA HP
22 1 22 20 # CA CA
23 3 22 23 # CA HP