Dear users,
in the manual of LAMMPS, I can't find how to perform the Andersen-Parrinello-Rahman (HtN: isoenthalpic, isotension) dynamics in LAMMPS. Maybe this dynamics is the same to NPH ensemble dynamics, but I am not sure because there are only Nose-Hoover method in LAMMPS.
LAMMPS doesn't have that integrator. Someone would have
to add it. NPH is like NPT without the T control (just pressure.
Dear Steve,
in the paper, D.Y. Sun, M. Asta, J. J. Hoyt, PhysRev B69,024108 (2004) (, the authors wrote they used DYNAMO and PARADYN, which are the preceding code of LAMMPS. There they wrote also, like this;
"A refined estimate of T_M is then derived employing Andersen-Parrinello-Rahman dynamics with no imposed temperature thermostat."
So I thought LAMMPS has such integrator?
Best wishes,
Steve Plimpton wrote:
DYNAMO and Paradyn did I guess, but not LAMMPS. I don't recall
if it was a box-shape chaning barostat (tilt) in Paradyn or just the size.
You can download Paradyn from my WWW site.
Paradyn just has the box-size changing barostat. The box remains a
Jon Z.