[lammps-users] Do I need the forces in my tabulated potentials?

Dear Lammps Users,

I just started to learn LAMMPS a few week ago. I like to use the
tabulated potentials in my simulations. Now I have a question:
should I include the forces in my tabulated potentials? If I do so, I
got an error “Lost atoms from 128 to 6”. When I put all forces as zeros,
then I do not get any error. But I am not sure it is OK to put all
forces as zeros. Is it OK to put all forces as zeros or remove
the force column?

Thank you very much in advance!


Yes you need to include the forces in the table. They
are part of the expected format. If you set the values
to 0.0, then you will get 0.0 force, which I presume
is not what you want. The doc page for pair table
has all the details.
