[lammps-users] error building 4Dec07 release

Hi all,

I am trying to build the dec 04 release on my G4 mac w/ 10.5.1 using the same makefile I used in the 5Oct07 release (which was for serial execution without the FFT stuff), but am running into some errors which appear to be related to the MPI libs… and I did build the MPI dummy files in the STUBS directory:

Undefined symbols:
“MPI_Recv(void*, int, int, int, int, int, MPI_Status*)”, referenced from:
LAMMPS_NS::Comm::irregular_create(int, int*, int*, int*)in comm.o
LAMMPS_NS::Dump::write() in dump.o
LAMMPS_NS::Temper::command(int, char**)in temper.o
LAMMPS_NS::Temper::command(int, char**)in temper.o
LAMMPS_NS::WriteRestart::write(char*) in write_restart.o
“MPI_Wtime()”, referenced from:
LAMMPS_NS::PPPM::timing(int, double&, double&)in pppm.o
LAMMPS_NS::PPPM::timing(int, double&, double&)in pppm.o
LAMMPS_NS::PPPM::timing(int, double&, double&)in pppm.o
LAMMPS_NS::PPPM::timing(int, double&, double&)in pppm.o
LAMMPS_NS::timer::stamp() in timer.o
LAMMPS_NS::timer::stamp(int) in timer.o
LAMMPS_NS::timer::barrier_start(int) in timer.o
LAMMPS_NS::timer::barrier_stop(int) in timer.o
LAMMPS_NS::timer::elapsed(int) in timer.o
“MPI_Cart_get(int, int, int*, int*, int*)”, referenced from:
LAMMPS_NS::Comm::set_procs() in comm.o
“MPI_Waitany(int, int*, int*, MPI_Status*)”, referenced from:
remap_3d(double*, double*, double*, remap_plan_3d*)in remap.o
“MPI_Cart_create(int, int, int*, int*, int, int*)”, referenced from:
LAMMPS_NS::Comm::set_procs() in comm.o
“MPI_Sendrecv(void*, int, int, int, int, void*, int, int, int, int, int, MPI_Status*)”, referenced from:
LAMMPS_NS::Comm::borders() in comm.o
LAMMPS_NS::Comm::exchange() in comm.o

and it goes on from there, but this is the top of the list.

Any ideas?



David E. Farrell

Graduate Student

Mechanical Engineering

Northwestern University

email: d-farrell2@…12…435…

The STUBS dir is consistent with the LAMMPS release. So you
can either link against STUBS or against an MPI you have
installed. The Makefile controls this. The error you are
getting looks like you are trying to link against an installed
MPI (not STUBS), but you don't have MPI installed.


Ah, that could well be… let me check the makefile again. When I updated, I never reinstalled MPI


Here is the Makefile I am using, based on the Makefile.mac that is included with the release:

mac_noFFT = Apple PowerBook G4 laptop, c++, no MPI, no FFT

SHELL = /bin/sh

System-specific settings

CC = c++
LINK = c++
USRLIB = -lmpi
SIZE = size

Link rule

(EXE): (OBJ)

Compilation rules

(CC) (CCFLAGS) -c $<


Individual dependencies

DEPENDS = (OBJ:.o=.d) include (DEPENDS)

Compiling with this was how I got the errors from before… anything appear to be missing?



Maybe you're getting some other MPI installed on your system. If you're
getting the mpi.h and libmpi.a in STUBS then it should build. Try renaming
those and see if you get an error about a missing mpi.h or libmpi.a


Yep, it appears that somehow a version of Open MPI is installed, and I am not entirely sure how it got there (I probably installed it but forgot), once I get that sorted out I will give the build another try.
