[lammps-users] error in writing a new fix for deleting atoms

Hi, LAMMPSians,

I tried to write a new fix to delete atoms out of defined region according to “fix_evaporate.cpp” as below:

int nocount = 0;

for (i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
if (!domain->regions[oregion]->match(x[i][0],x[i][1],x[i][2])) {
olist[nocount++] = i;
omark[i] = 1;
else {
omark[i] = 0;

// nwhack = total number of atoms to delete

int nwhack;

// delete my marked atoms
// loop in reverse order to avoid copying marked atoms

AtomVec *avec = atom->avec;

for (i = nlocal-1; i >= 0; i–) {
if (omark[i]) {

// reset global natoms
// if global map exists, reset it now instead of waiting for comm
// since deleting atoms messes up ghosts

atom->natoms -= nwhack;
if (nwhack && atom->map_style) {
atom->nghost = 0;

// statistics

ndeleted += nwhack;

I want to copy the last atom information to the deleted atoms i position. However, it turn out an error about a xyz dump. The error message is “ERROR: Atom IDs must be consecutive for dump xyz”.

I wonder if i should change “avec->copy(atom->nlocal-1,i);” to “avec->copy(atom->nlocal,i);”?

I read the code about tag_consecutive in atom.cpp:

int Atom::tag_consecutive()
int idmin = static_cast (natoms);
int idmax = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
idmin = MIN(idmin,tag[i]);
idmax = MAX(idmax,tag[i]);
int idminall,idmaxall;

if (idminall != 1 || idmaxall != static_cast (natoms)) return 0;
return 1;

But i don’t quite understand. Does that mean the atom ID must be consecutive? How do i modify my code? Would you check for me or explain the meaning of tag_consecutive?

Thank you very much!

Wenpeng Zhu


Hi, LAMMPSians,


I want to copy the last atom information to the deleted atoms i
position. However, it turn out an error about a xyz dump. The error
message is "ERROR: Atom IDs must be consecutive for dump xyz".
I wonder if i should change "avec->copy(atom->nlocal-1,i);" to

you should be able to avoid this error, by not using the xyz format,
but rather the native dump file formats.
this is a restriction of the xyz format, not of your code.


The problem is that the xyz style writes atoms to the dump file in sorted order.
To do this, it requires that all atoms, numbered 1-N exist. If you have
deleted atoms, they won't. So as Axel says, you need to do some
other kind of output.


2010/3/26 Wenpeng Zhu <[email protected]...>: