I came across a problem when using tersoff potential.
ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open Tersoff potential file SiCGe.tersoff
I think the many-body potential (including tersoff potential) was
automatically installed with default setting.
What caused this ERROR?
Thank you so much!
data.cut (14.4 KB)
in.cut (1021 Bytes)
I came across a problem when using tersoff potential.
ERROR on proc 0: Cannot open Tersoff potential file SiCGe.tersoff
I think the many-body potential (including tersoff potential) was
automatically installed with default setting.
What caused this ERROR?
just as the error message is telling you: the potential file
is not in the working directory of your job. copy it over and
it should work.
Do as Axel says or put the path to the file in your input script.