[lammps-users] facing issue in Linux version

Hello Everyone,

I have installed Linux 11 Aug 2017 version in hpc which I am using. When I am running LAMMPS command by modifying path / by \ for windows LAMMPS version 19 March 2020. There is no issue.


please note that your cluster is running a Linux version (CentOS 6) that has reached its end of support last month and that has apparently not been updated for a long time (CentOS 6.5 was released in 2013, the last CentOS 6 release was version 6.10 in 2018). due to its severely outdated software stack (over 10 years old) this version is not compatible with current LAMMPS versions. the last compatible LAMMPS versions was 3 March 2020.

the most likely explanation for the difference is some issue in the LAMMPS code that was present in 2017 but was fixed since.
without a simple example to reproduce it (e.g. take an input from the examples folder and add the failing fix command to it, confirm the unexpected behavior and post it here), it is difficult to say for certain.
