[lammps-users] How Run Xmovie

Dear my coworkers
I hope that you are fine and will be successful in your works. I want to run xmovie. i installed it but i can not see snapshots and movies from LAAMPS Examples. How can i see snapshot and movie from xmovie?
best regards
Hamed Maleki


Please review the following information from the
xmoive README file:

"Xmovie is an X-based visualization package that can
reads particle data in a simple text format. LAMMPS
output files are in this format (by default). Xmovie
displays 2d projections of 3d (or 2d) data sets.
While simple, it is extremely fast, and often useful
for debugging.

Xmovie was written by Mike Uttormark, while visiting
Sandia, in the summer of 1994. Subsequent small
changes have been made by Steve Plimpton.

To make xmovie for your platform, edit the top section
of the Makefile appropriately for your machine. You
will need to point at the correct X libraries for
xmovie to compile and link properly.

Once you have an xmovie executable you can test it by

xmovie dummy.dat

A control window and a display window should pop open.
Move the "thickness" slider all the way to the right
and click "Start". You should see a small white ball
oscillate back and forth in the display.

The examples directory in the LAMMPS distribution has
several simulations that can be run with LAMMPS to
produce dump.* files that you can use xmovie to
visualize. The Movies page of the LAMMPS WWW
Site has animations of these simulations that were
produced by converting saved xmovie snapshots to MPEG
files (via ImageMagick's convert program). Note that
LAMMPS output is scaled by default (so all coordinates
are from 0 to 1). Thus you need to run xmovie like

xmovie -scale dump.*

to see the snapshot you expect.

The xmovie control window options should be
self-explanatory. You are always viewing a 2d
projection of your 2d or 3d snapshot; the "position"
and "thickness" sliders control the range of the slab
of atoms being projected. You will not always see a
snapshot when xmovie begins, unless you push the
"thickness" slider to the right.

Type xmovie to see a list of command-line options and
info on file formats."

If you're still unable to get it to work, let us know
what you've done and what you're seeing and we'll try
to help. Do you have X windows on your machine and
have experience using it? (See http://www.x.org/ )


Dear my coworkers
  I hope that you are fine and will be successful in
your works. I want to run xmovie. i installed it but
i can not see snapshots and movies from LAAMPS
Examples. How can i see snapshot and movie from
  best regards
  Hamed Maleki

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