[lammps-users] How to setup a SiO2 structure in LAMMPS?

Dear Users,

How can I setup a SiO2 structure in LAMMPS? I have taken a low-quartz from: http://cst-www.nrl.navy.mil/lattice/struk/sio2b.html

I tried to set it us as follows:

lattice custom 1.0 &

a1 2.45670000 -4.25512922 .00000000 &

a2 2.45670000 4.25512922 .00000000 &

a3 .00000000 .00000000 5.40520000 &

basis .46990000 0.00000000 .66666667 &

basis 0.00000000 .46990000 .33333333 &

basis -.46990000 -.46990000 .00000000 &

basis .41410000 .26810000 .78540000 &

basis -.26810000 .14600000 .45206667 &

basis -.14600000 -.41410000 .11873333 &

basis .26810000 .41410000 -.78540000 &

basis -.41410000 -.14600000 -.11873333 &

basis .14600000 -.26810000 -.45206667

region box block 0 1 0 1 0 1

create_box 2 box

create_atoms 1 box &

basis 1 1 &

basis 2 1 &

basis 3 1 &

basis 4 2 &

basis 5 2 &

basis 6 2 &

basis 7 2 &

basis 8 2 &

basis 9 2

This gives me a failure Use of region with undefined lattice. The manual says If scale = lattice (the default) for the region command, then a lattice must first be defined via the lattice command. Obviously something is wrong with my region command. What I don’t understand is: I defined a lattice - why cannot I define a region, then? Any hints are welcome :confused:

Best regards:


With the lines below, I get no problem (7Jul09 version).
Originally, I got an Illegal lattice command problem,
b/c the basis values have to be 0 <= x,y,z < 1.
So I deleted all your minus signs, and it worked
without the lattice error you indicate.
Obviously, you probably want to add +1 to them rather
than delete the minus signs :slight_smile:


lattice custom 1.0 &
a1 2.45670000 -4.25512922 .00000000 &
a2 2.45670000 4.25512922 .00000000 &
a3 .00000000 .00000000 5.40520000 &
basis .46990000 0.00000000 .66666667 &
basis 0.00000000 .46990000 .33333333 &
basis .46990000 .46990000 .00000000 &
basis .41410000 .26810000 .78540000 &
basis .26810000 .14600000 .45206667 &
basis .14600000 .41410000 .11873333 &
basis .26810000 .41410000 .78540000 &
basis .41410000 .14600000 .11873333 &
basis .14600000 .26810000 .45206667

region box block 0 1 0 1 0 1

create_box 2 box
create_atoms 1 box &
basis 1 1 &
basis 2 1 &
basis 3 1 &
basis 4 2 &
basis 5 2 &
basis 6 2 &
basis 7 2 &
basis 8 2 &
basis 9 2