[lammps-users] lammps for os x with MPI

I am trying to compiled lammps with MPI ( no FFTW) on os x. I have
installed LAM MPI , modified -I and -L flag in makefile

as soon as I start compiling i gives me error:
make: *** [macmpi] Error 1

I can compile lammps without MPI and FFTW file using makefile.serial.

Here is my modified makefile:
# macmpi = Apple MacBook laptop, c++, LAM MPI, NO FFTW

SHELL = /bin/sh

# System-specific settings

CC = c++
CCFLAGS = -O -I/usr/local/include -DFFT_NONE
LINK = c++
LINKFLAGS = -O -L/usr/local/lib
USRLIB = -lmpi
SIZE = size

What am I doing wrong. Thanks.

That's not a very informative error message. Might be a syntax
problem in your Makefile.macmpi ...


yes, error message is not helping much. I tried changing couple of
things in makefile, but get same error message, which does not make
any sense.

if I remove -I and -L flags for MPI (no MPI basically) and use STUBS
instead , the same make file compiles just fine.

So, that means my -I and -L flags for MPI are giving problem , but I
don't know what am I doing wrong. The flags looks right according to
LAMMPS documentation online.


Sorry, I don't know either. You'll need to find someone familiar with
"make" who can debug this on your Mac. It's really a make problem,
not a LAMMPS problem.


Sorry, I don't know either. You'll need to find someone familiar with
"make" who can debug this on your Mac. It's really a make problem,
not a LAMMPS problem.

it would help to see a few more lines of output before you see the

make: *** [macmpi] Error 1

error message.

    axel 'they call me mr. makefile' kohlmeyer.

thats the whole problem. i get no other message.

BlackBook:~/Desktop/lammps-12Feb07/src koth$ make macmpi
make: *** [macmpi] Error 1
BlackBook:~/Desktop/lammps-12Feb07/src koth$

thats the whole problem. i get no other message.

BlackBook:~/Desktop/lammps-12Feb07/src koth$ make macmpi
make: *** [macmpi] Error 1
BlackBook:~/Desktop/lammps-12Feb07/src koth$

that kind of message would happen, if the master makefile
cannot find Makefile.macmpi (you mention a file named,
makefile.macmpi, try renaming it to Makefile.macmpi and
make sure it is in the MAKE subdirectory).


I did some digging around with all these suggestions. my
Makefile.macmpi was ok, but it seems when I renamed file, it added
some hidden extension to it (Makefile.macmpi.mac) , so that was the
problem. It worked fine once I took out second extension. But, after a
while I got following error. I think it compiled for the most part as
I can see pretty much all .o files in Obj_macmpi directory. Here is
the new error :