[lammps-users] LAMMPS homepage migration from lammps.sandia.gov to lammps.org

Dear LAMMPS Users,

this is to inform you that last week we migrated the LAMMPS home page from https://lammps.sandia.gov to https://lammps.org

The transition should be mostly transparent. Links to the old pages should be translated to new URLs. Nevertheless, if you have any links or pointers to LAMMPS, please point them to the new location (please note that the top URL for the documentation is now at https://docs.lammps.org,
please also note that you can now select between multiple versions of the documentation.)

Don’t hesitate to contact us at this e-mail address in case you notice a broken link or other issue with the transition.

The major difference is that we have retired the mailing list archive from the LAMMPS home page. Instead we established a new archive at the Materials Science Discourse Forum: https://matsci.org/lammps/mailing-list-mirror
This archive has the advantage of being instantly updated.

As before, the mailing list is also archived at sourceforge that is hosting this mailing list.: https://sourceforge.net/p/lammps/mailman/lammps-users/

Please note that it will take a little while until search engines have updated their indices accordingly. For the time being you can either use the specific search boxes on the LAMMPS home page or at either site:sourceforge.net or site:matsci.org to your search queries to get results from the archives still available.

The LAMMPS Developers.