[lammps-users] lammps How to realize vibration and translation of a rigid body at the same time

Dear LAMMPS developers,

            I try to build a rigid body and use the fix move command to realize the uniform translation in the X direction and the vibration in the X and Z directions. **At present, I can't realize vibration and translation at the same time with fix move command.** I found that if I combine the fix move linear command with the fix move wiggle command, I can achieve the results I want. Can you merge these two commands into a file of fix_move.cpp? In addition to modifying CPP files, what other methods can you do to make rigid bodies vibrate and translate at the same time? 

Thank you very much,

Best regards,

Dear LAMMPS developers,

            I try to build a rigid body and use the fix move command to realize the uniform translation in the X direction and the vibration in the X and Z directions. **At present, I can't realize vibration and translation at the same time with fix move command.** I found that if I combine the fix move linear command with the fix move wiggle command, I can achieve the results I want. Can you merge these two commands into a file of fix_move.cpp? In addition to modifying CPP files, what other methods can you do to make rigid bodies vibrate and translate at the same time?  

you can realize arbitrarily complex motions by defining atom style variables with time dependent expression to compute either velocity or displacement and then use the “variable” style of fix move.

for details please see the documentation of the variable and fix move command.
