[lammps-users] lattice.h header file missing--not added by 14 Nov. patch

The latest upgrade tarball fails to compile, and it
looks like the culprit is a missing header file. If I
were to venture a guess, it looks like the code for
handling lattices was recently refactored and some of
it put into the file "lattice.h", but for whatever
reason, the actual header file didn't make it into the
upgrade tarball.

I can compile the Oct 1. tarball, provided that I add
the line '#include "stdlib.h"' to pppm.cpp, but that
version lacks the Tersoff and SW potentials that I need.

Sorry - the 14Nov06 patch left out 2 needed files ... they
are in the 16Nov06 patch ...


Thanks, that seems to have done the trick.