[lammps-users] (no subject)

Dear all

I use command "mpirun.openmpi -np 4 lmp <FILE-NAME " when executing and I encounter the following error:

ERROR on proc 0: There are too many neighbors for some atoms, please check your configuration (src/USER-MISC/pair_ilp_graphene_hbn.cpp:754)
Last command: run 400000
ERROR on proc 1: There are too many neighbors for some atoms, please check your configuration (src/USER-MISC/pair_ilp_graphene_hbn.cpp:754)
Last command: run 400000

Dear all

I use command "mpirun.openmpi -np 4 lmp <FILE-NAME " when executing and I encounter the following error:

ERROR on proc 0: There are too many neighbors for some atoms, please check your configuration (src/USER-MISC/pair_ilp_graphene_hbn.cpp:754)
Last command: run 400000
ERROR on proc 1: There are too many neighbors for some atoms, please check your configuration (src/USER-MISC/pair_ilp_graphene_hbn.cpp:754)
Last command: run 400000

This error message is pretty self-explanatory: your geometry does not conform to the expectations of the pair style you are using.
How to correct this is impossible to say from remote. I suggest you carefully re-read the documentation of the pair style in use and check if all requirements and conditions mentioned in the documentation are matched by your geometry.