[lammps-users] Running LAMMPS-64bit-24Dec2020-MPI: abort

Dear Lammps Users, as per my previous mail, I am trying to start using the a.m. Lammps version. After having installed mpich2-1.4.1p1-win-x86-64 (thanks Axel for the clarification) I carefully followed what described in the manual, sect. 4.4 “Running Lammps on Windows”.

After having integrated mpich2 in the system in administrator mode (smpd.exe - install) I swithced to a new command promptand I typed what follows:

C:\Users\paolo\Desktop>mpiexec -np 8 lmp_mpi -in inMc256-101h

Credentials for DESKTOP-PENB9LP\paolo rejected connecting to DESKTOP-PENB9LP

Aborting: Unable to connect to DESKTOP-PENB9LP


I tried also with:

C:\Users\paolo\Desktop>mpiexec -localonly 8 lmp_mpi -in inMc256-101h
Unable to open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\MPICH\SMPD\process\13348 registry key, error 5, Access denied.

Am I doing something wrong? Did I missing some steps?

Thanks for your patience


I am not very well versed with these things on windows. There are many subtle things related to permissions and so on. I think on the machine where I am testing, I have administrator privilege, so perhaps many items down show up for me. you probably need to do the following (copied from https://packages.lammps.org/windows.html)

After the installation of the MPICH software, it needs to be integrated into the system. For this you need to start a Command Prompt in Administrator Mode (right click on the icon and select it). Change into the MPICH2 installation directory, then into the subdirectory bin and execute smpd.exe -install.


Dear Axel, thanks for your answer. Actually this is what I did before going to a “normal” prompt and typing the commands as per my previous mail.

I really do not want to bother you with my issues, but I would have expected that similar problems did occur to other gentlemen using windows.

Nevertheless, this is what I am getting if I carefully follow Lammps Manual Sect. 4.4 “Running Lammps on Windows”. Is there any place where I may find some hint?


have you tried the “usual windows remedies”, i.e. log out and log in again or a reboot?


Axel, I found some suggestion on the web. I run Lammps with in Administrator mode. So far it seems to run.

Thanks again


Since Windows Version 24Dec2020, LAMMPS can be installed without administrator privilege. The installer ask to choose either user install or for all. Only the latter requires administrator privilege.
Running MPI executable needs to provide session password if any once in a session. But MPiCH install and smpd exec required administrator privilege as Axel said.

I am not very well versed with these things on windows. There are many subtle things related to permissions and so on. I think on the machine where I am testing, I have administrator privilege, so perhaps many items down show up for me. you probably need to do the following (copied from https://packages.lammps.org/windows.html)

After the installation of the MPICH software, it needs to be integrated into the system. For this you need to start a Command Prompt in Administrator Mode (right click on the icon and select it). Change into the MPICH2 installation directory, then into the subdirectory bin and execute smpd.exe -install.
