[lammps-users] Stilling weber potentiel

I downloaded the 2018 version of Lammps on Windows 10. When I run the input file I find an error ‘‘Cannot open Stillinger-Weber potential file GaN.sw (…/pair_sw.cpp:367)’’.
I send my Lammps input file and log file.

log.lammps (1.06 KB)

in.LattCont (1.39 KB)

testtt.data (4.39 KB)

There are more recent versions of LAMMPS available with many issues fixed. Why use such an old version?

I Know but I need this version to compare some results

Most likely you have not placed the potential file in the same directory as your lammps input script (since you don’t specify any path to the potential file, the code assumes it is located in the same folder as the input script)
Is this the case?


Στις Πέμπτη, 24 Μαρτίου 2022, ο χρήστης Ayla Zaiter <[email protected]> έγραψε:

the code assumes it is located in the same folder as the input script)

or in a folder pointed to by the environment variable LAMMPS_POTENTIALS
the current Windows installer package sets this variable to the folder in the installation, so it can “find” potentials, even if they are not in the current folder.
It is quite convenient to not have to copy potential files around (and particularly find them in the confusing Windows application installation schemes with recent Windows versions)
but I don’t remember when this environment variable was added to the installer.