[lammps-users] System shrinks during equilibration


I am using the LAMMPS version 29Oct2020. I have the model of an alloy where there is an equiatomic distribution of Nickel, Chromium and Cobalt (with 50000 atoms), which was created using AtomSK. I tried with periodic boundary conditions and the result of the tensile loading was not right. Therefore, I use shrink-wrapped boundaries now. In my LAMMPS code, I have used the ‘eam/alloy’ potential and I have defined the pair coefficients using the
‘pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * FeNiCrCoCu-heafixed.setfl Ni Cr Co’. During equilibration, the model shrinks, and even dislocations are seen in the model. This is not right, and I want to know if it is a problem with my code. Could anyone tell me why this happens? I have attached my code here along with the pre-equilibration and in-equilibration screenshots of the model to show how it has shrunk. If you require the data file and the EAM potential file, I will send them. Thank you.


############################# INITIALIZATION ###############################

units metal
dimension 3
boundary s s s
atom_style atomic
neighbor 2.0 bin
neigh_modify every 10 delay 0 check yes

############################# ATOM DEFINITION ##############################

read_data CoNi_pillaryz.data

############################# FORCEFIELD ###################################

pair_style eam/alloy
pair_coeff * * FeNiCrCoCu-heafixed.setfl Co Ni Cr

############################# GROUP ATOMS ##################################
region 1 block INF INF 237.76 INF INF INF units box
region 2 block INF INF INF 5.0 INF INF units box

group up region 1
group low region 2
group boundary union up low
group mobile subtract all boundary


timestep 0.001
variable ts equal 0.001

Store final cell length for strain calculations

variable tmp equal “lx”
variable Lx equal {tmp} variable tmp equal "ly" variable Ly equal {tmp}
variable tmp equal “lz”
variable Lz equal ${tmp}

#print “Initial x Length, Lx: {Lx}" #print "Initial y Length, Ly: {Ly}”
#print “Initial z Length, Lz: ${Lz}”


variable Lx equal lx

variable Ly equal ly
variable Lz equal lz
variable Vol equal vol
variable thickn equal 3.4
print “Initial x Length, Lx: {Lx}" print "Initial y Length, Ly: {Ly}”
print “Initial z Length, Lz: ${Lz}”
variable strain equal “(lx - v_Lx)/v_Lx”
variable strain1 equal “(ly - v_Ly)/v_Ly”
variable strain2 equal “(lz - v_Lz)/v_Lz”
variable lengthx equal “lx”
variable lengthy equal “ly”
variable lengthz equal “lz”
variable sigmaxx equal “-pxx/10000”
variable sigmayy equal “-pyy/10000”
variable sigmazz equal “-pzz/10000”
variable epsxx equal “v_strain”
variable epsyy equal “v_strain1”
variable epszz equal “v_strain2”


min_style cg
timestep 0.001
minimize 1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000
run 80000
dump 1 all xyz 2000 dump_initial.xyz

Assign original velocities to atoms

compute new all temp
velocity all create 77.0 487639 temp new

Set up ensemble

fix 7 boundary nve

fix 1 all nvt temp 77.0 77.0 0.1


run 80000

Fix rigid boundary atoms

compute new2 mobile temp
fix 3 boundary setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0

Apply displacement control loading

velocity up set 0.0 0.5 0.0 units box
velocity low set 0.0 -0.5 0.0 units box
velocity mobile ramp vy -0.5 0.5 y 5.0 237.76 sum yes

thermo_style custom step temp press etotal v_epsxx v_epsyy v_epszz v_sigmaxx v_sigmayy v_sigmazz pe ke lx ly vol
thermo_modify flush yes
thermo 1000

dump 2 all atom 2000 tensile_test8.lammpstrj

#fix def1 all print 100 “{epsxx} {epsyy} {epszz} {sigmaxx} {sigmayy} {sigmazz}” file CrCoNiAlloy_100.def1.txt screen no
fix def1 all print 100 “{lengthy}{sigmayy}” file CrCoNiAlloy_pillaryz.def1.txt screen no

restart 20000 *.restart

run 80000

The atoms go where the potential tells them to go. Changing the boundary conditions does not change that.
If the system shrinks, that your initial positions are not consistent with what the potential file was parameterized for.

Hi Rajesh! After you remove the periodic BCs, the system is going to deform and relax into a zero-stress state. It looks to me like this is what happened. What was the stress before/after you removed the periodic BCs? If it was large and tensile, your result could be physically correct for the potential and initial state you’re using…
