[lammps-users] Top 10 guidelines for posting to the LAMMPS mailing list

Chris - I'm puzzled by this. I don't think the URL you list is
searching the real LAMMPS mail list archives.
The weirder thing is that when I search
for "temperature" and get the 9 hits you mention, those messages
are not ones I've ever seen. I actually read/answer the mail list
on my Gmail account (which has very good search), and I looked
for a few of those messages and don't see them.

Is it possible this URL is searching some other part of
SF, and that a few people have (unfortunately) posted dead-end
messages to somewhere that no one ever sees?

Did anyone else on the mail list ever receive those 9 messages?
(some are pretty recent). Does anyone out there know how to
search the LAMMPS mail list? I actually never do much with SF,
other than push up a LAMMPS tarball once per major release.


steve, chris,

the problem is that there are "forums" on sourceforge and
the mailing list. the forums don't feed to the mailing list
and so those messages are not seen, unless one looks at them
directly or puts a "watch" on them.

the URL to search the mailing list would be :

but at the moment it is giving timeouts.

btw: some _really_ desperate users also seem to have x-posted
their problems as bug reports...


steve, chris,

the problem is that there are "forums" on sourceforge and
the mailing list. the forums don't feed to the mailing list
and so those messages are not seen, unless one looks at them
directly or puts a "watch" on them.

the URL to search the mailing list would be :

but at the moment it is giving timeouts.

it is working now and "temperature" yields 853 hits.

steve, the forums seem to be created by default. perhaps
you should try to remove them or post a "sticky" message
that those forums are not watched.

it is somewhat unfortunate, that sourceforge seems to encourage
using those forums over mailing lists. if you want to navigate by
mouse, you have to click on Tracker and only then you find a
Mailing lists menu with the lammps-users and a search entry.

so it seems that due to the redesign of the sf web site more people
get diverted to the forum and don't know that the much better
resource for help is elsewhere (we'll if they'd read the lammps homepage
_properly_ they would know, but who does these days when frustration
takes over?).


thanks for the info - I didn't see there were forums and a mailing
list - I'll see if can shut down the forum and bug-tracker pages - I
never look at them
