Dear LAMMPS users,
I have a problem with atom lost in my system. My system is simply a box of some ellipsoidal particles. (I used LJ units) First, I created a region using this command:
Lattice sc 0.02
Then I created a box in this region by using this command:
Create_box 2 mybox
And finally I filled this box with atoms by using this command:
Create_atoms 1 box
In this system, I fill my box with some particles of type 1 and then I change a specific fraction of atoms from type 1 to type 2. This is why I used “2” in the “create_box” command. Actually because finally I will have two types of atoms in the box. When I want to run this program, some of my atoms become LOST! I don’t know why this happens! For example, when I have 8000 atoms initially in the system, after the first step running MD, the number of atoms becomes almost 7100!! I tried several numbers of atoms but every time, a part of my atoms become lost and I could not find out what is the reason. I am sure that my particles do not overlap with each other. Because I put the particles on a simple cubic lattice sites and the size of the particles and the lattice constant have been set in such a way that no overlaps can occur between particles. Therefore if I want to run MD to this system I have to use a command to ignore the atom lost which is not desired for me!
Would you please help me to understand what is going on in my system?
Thanks a lot,