Dear LAMMPS users and developers,
we are currently readying the second and (planned to be) final update for the 23Jun2022 stable release of LAMMPS, so this is now the time to submit bug reports or - even better - bug fixes for the current stable release so they will be addressed or included. There are currently no plans to backport future bug fixes and make a third update.
The usability, correctness, functionality of LAMMPS crucially depends on the LAMMPS community reporting any issues and providing either bug fixes or input decks suitable for debugging. Despite the significant automated testing we employ, user input is instrumental to its correctness and reliability, since most tests can only address known issues (that is they can help to avoid making the same mistake a second time). Given the size and complexity of LAMMPS there are always going to be unknown issues, regardless how hard we try to eliminate them before they manifest themselves.
Thanks in advance,
The LAMMPS developers.