Loop variable

Dear Lammps users

I have a question about the role of loop in reaching the equilibrium state.
Please consider a code like below:

variable Nstep loop 5

label looplable

fix 2 1 nvt temp 300 300 500

run 10000

next Nstep

jump in.cnt looplable

Actually, I imagine a system should reach equilibrium state for doing post processing but I don’t know only a fix command with reasonable run step can do this better or using loop command with them? I really can’t understand the role of loop in written code.
I would appreciate if anyone could help me.

Thank you.

Dear Lammps users

I have a question about the role of loop in reaching the equilibrium state.
Please consider a code like below:

variable Nstep loop 5
label looplable
fix 2 1 nvt temp 300 300 500
run 10000
next Nstep
jump in.cnt looplable

Actually, I imagine a system should reach equilibrium state for doing post
processing but I don't know only a fix command with reasonable run step can
do this better or using loop command with them? I really can't understand
the role of loop in written code.

please see the examples and explanations here: