If you are going to use a hybrid force field, I recommend that you
remove all of the force field parameters from your DATA file, and put
them in a LAMMPS input script (such as "pair_coeff", "bond_coeff",
"angle_coeff",.... commands:
(In fact, if you are using hybrid pair_styles, I don't think you have a choice.)
Actually, I recommend doing this anyway, just because it gives you so
much more control over the system, and it allows you to load in your
force field parameters independently from your starting geometry and
topology information. As Axel said, this way you can build the DATA
file independently with and then specify the force field parameters
later manually using these "_coeff" commands. You can do this in
topotools or any tool which creates LAMMPS DATA files.
For what it's worth, several moltemplate examples use hybrid force
fields and hybrid atom styles, including:
In addition to making DATA files, moltemplate can generate the
"pair_coeff" (and "bond_coeff", "angle_coeff", ...) commands for you.
(I believe topotools can do this too.) The OPLSAA force field
parameters are already included. (Although you must choose your OPLS
atom types carefully.) ClayFF has not been converted into moltemplate
format yet. Presumably you don't need the entire ClayFF force field,
only a few parameters for the atoms you care about. You can find
those numbers in the tools/msi2lmp/frc_files/clayff.frc)
The first example is a mixture of two different "molecule" types,
coarse grained alkane chain ("Cyclododecane"), and a coarse grained
water molecule("WatMW"):
Each molecule type is (typically) saved in a separate file so it can
be easily combined independently in any simulation:
To combine them, you must create a file which "imports" both of them,
and then override the "pair_style" command located in those files.
The following file does this and then specifies how many copies of
each type of molecule you want, as well as where to put them:
write_once("In Init") {
# -- Tell LAMMPS we want to use two different pair styles
# -- (This overrides earlier settings.)
pair_style hybrid sw lj/charmm/coul/charmm 9.0 11.0 9.0 11.0
...Since (Lorentz-Berthelot) automatic mixing rules do not work for
atoms which use different pair_styles, you must also provide a list of
"pair_coeff" commands to define interactions between the atoms which
use different pair_styles. That happens here in the "system.lt" file:
write_once("In Settings") {
pair_coeff @atom:WatMW/mW @atom:TraPPE/CH2 lj/charmm/coul/charmm
0.11914784667210733 3.558
pair_coeff @atom:WatMW/mW @atom:TraPPE/CH3 lj/charmm/coul/charmm
0.17390830404497651 3.458
pair_coeff @atom:WatMW/mW @atom:TraPPE/CH4 lj/charmm/coul/charmm
0.21371654257637612 3.448
Again, you can also use hybrid bond styles, hybrid angle styles,
dihedral styles, improper styles and hybrid atom styles.
There are some examples which use OPLSAA force field parameters here: