Hi all,
I am a very new user of EMC and am trying to build polymers representative of anion-exchange membranes similar to this work: https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.1c01798. I downloaded EMC on my macOS laptop two weeks ago, so I have the most recent version.
My test system consists of a chain of benzene rings, with the ultimate goal of adding in fluorocarbons and cationic groups at certain sites on the benzenes.
I have tried my simple chain of benzene rings in EMC using the OPLS-UA force field and, as far as I can tell, everything works (using vmd -e command + looking at data file).
When I switch to OPLS-AA, I get the “missing rules” error:
Info: applying '~/emc/v9.4.4/field/opls/2012/opls-aa.prm'
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 0}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 1}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 2}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 3}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 4}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 5}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 6}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 7}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 8}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {test, 9}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 0}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 1}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 2}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 3}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 4}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 5}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 6}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 7}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 8}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 9}.
Warning: no rule found for {group, site} = {terminator, 10}.
Error: core/fields.c:433 FieldsApply:
Missing rules.
Program aborted.
I have tried typing my SMILES strings as:
test *c1ccc*cc1
terminator *c1ccccc1
but still encounter the same issue. This error has persisted even when I add a methyl group separating the benzene rings (but still runs with OPLS-UA) as I wasn’t 100% sure on my atom type for the benzenoid carbon connecting to the next ring.
Based on the .prm files, it seems that OPLS-AA should have the requisite atom types (ca, ha, ct). I have read through the discussions regarding adding rules to OPLS-AA, but I don’t understand the architecture of the .define, .prm, and .top well enough to fix my own problem. I have copied my input file below as I am not allowed to attach it.
Many thanks in advance for any help!
#!/usr/bin/env emc.pl
# Options
project benzene_chain
field opls-aa
#field opls-ua
number false
ntotal 1000
mass true
replace true
#field_debug reduced
# Groups
test *c1:cc:c*c:c1, 1, test:2
terminator *c1:cc:cc:c1, 1, test:1, 1, test:2
#terminator *c1ccccc1, 1, test:1, 1, test:2
# Clusters
poly alternate,1
# Polymers
1 test, 5, terminator, 2