model boundary and box boundary

Dear professor Axel,

Thank you for your patient explanation, and I will follow your suggestion. I am sorry if I bring some trouble for you. In my team, no body does the MD simulation, and my adviser also do not know MD simulation, and I have been learning MD all by myself.

Best wishes,


Dear professor Axel,

Thank you for your patient explanation, and I will follow your suggestion. I am sorry if I bring some trouble for you. In my team, no body does the MD simulation, and my adviser also do not know MD simulation, and I have been learning MD all by myself.

excuse my bluntness. but that is a stupid thing to do. even more so,
how can your adviser supervise and advise you when there is nobody
around that has some expertise in MD? and how can they properly
appraise your work?

MD is not something that you can teach yourself all by yourself. there
are far too many subtle things to pay attention to. thus you are bound
to make a *lot* of simple mistakes are have to (re)discover lots of
common knowledge that groups with MD experience have discovered long
ago and which is passed on from senior group members to new people in
the group.

the proper way to learn MD to collaborate with a group with the
suitable expertise for a month or two and get training from somebody
with experience. there are people on *any* campus that i know,
especially on larger schools with MD expertise and faculty, post-docs
and grad students that can help you.

you most certainly cannot pick up what you need to learn from posting
questions to a mailing list. please talk to your adviser and make
arrangements that you get proper in-person training. otherwise you
will entering a world of frustration and agony.
