
Dear lammps users,

I've been trying to use dump molfile to print pdb files and I get the same missing plugin error every time. I've tried setting the path in the dump command arguments as:
Which is the path to the molfile directory in my vmd installation directory.
I've tried downloading the plugins from:
I compiled those and copied the .so file in the LINUXAMD64/molfile directory above.

In both case calling dump molfile causes the following error:
ERROR on proc 0: No suitable molfile plugin found (../dump_molfile.cpp:105)

I didn't modify the make file at: Lammps-15May15/lib/molfile/. Should I do so and how?

Thank you.

Dear lammps users,

I've been trying to use dump molfile to print pdb files and I get the
same missing plugin error every time. I've tried setting the path in the
dump command arguments as:
Which is the path to the molfile directory in my vmd installation

​what are the exact arguments that you have been using?​
​what is the exact VMD version that you are using?
what is the linux variant that you are using?
what is the output of: ldd
~/lib/vmd/plugins/LINUXAMD64/molfile/ ?

I've tried downloading the plugins from:
I compiled those and copied the .so file in the LINUXAMD64/molfile
directory above.

​that is pointless, as this is providing only the plugin for the native
LAMMPS format for vmd.

In both case calling dump molfile causes the following error:
ERROR on proc 0: No suitable molfile plugin found (../dump_molfile.cpp:105)

I didn't modify the make file at: Lammps-15May15/lib/molfile/. Should I
do so and how?

​no. this is only needed in case VMD changes the plugin API and the header
bundled with LAMMPS doesn't match the API version of your VMD installation.
however, that has not happened.

it is more likely, that your input file is not correct.​
