I’m sorry to trouble you. I tried to make metadynamics calculation with covlars package, but it end up with the error message:
colvars: User-controlled feature “lower boundary” may not be enabled as a dependency in colvar dist.
colvars: …required by “grid” in colvar dist
colvars: Error: Failed dependency in colvar dist.
ERROR on proc 0: Fatal error in the collective variables module.
Last command: run 2000000
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 0
My operating system is Ubuntu 16.04 and my lammps version is “lammps-16Mar18”, installed with mpich-3.2.1 and fftw-3.3.8. I think I have already complied LAMMPS with MPI, and LAMMPS calculation run if I do not call COLVARS. But I don’t find where I make mistake. Would you mind point out it?
Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing from you.
please use multiple calls to atomNumbersRange begin-end (i.e. not begin:end);
please provide upper and lower boundary for the metadynamics PMF;
please check carefully the meaning of the keywords, for example you don’t want 10 kcal/mol-high Gaussians (assuming you had real units);
lastly, please do not put in a keyword explicitly, if you agree with the default value: the more you type, you just increase your changes of making mistakes. Ideally, you can reduce the metadynamics configuration should be just:
metadynamics {
name metad
colvars dist
hillWeight 0.001 # Or what you want
writeFreeEnergyFile on
outputEnergy on
writeHillsTrajectory on
Note, in particular, that Colvars and Plumed use slightly different meanings:
Plumed’s SIGMA is the parameter of the Gaussian, and is in the unit of the variable, thus you may end up with large and small numbers in a multidimensional calculation;
Colvars’ hillWidth equals 2 sigma’s and is in the units of the “width” parameter of the variable (which is 1 by default), thus you can leave it at the default, or increase it e.g. to 2 or 3 for smoother Gaussians. The code will print the value of sigma in the standard output for comparison with the Plumed convention, though.