contains the following class i created and all other additional things that are needed to run…im just posting what is needed you to understand
class TrainFW(Firework):
def __init__(self, name = "flame train", flame_cmd = ">>flame_cmd<<",parents=None, **kwargs):
t = []
t.append(PyTask(func='pycode.write_train') # writes input files
t.append(RunFlameCustodian(flame_cmd = flame_cmd)) # runs flame_cmd with defined handlers, validators
# t.append(RunFlameCustodian(flame_cmd = flame_cmd, validator_group = [FlameFilesValidator]))
super().__init__(t, parents = parents, name = name, **kwargs)
fws = [TrainFW()]
wf = Workflow(fws)
lpad = LaunchPad.auto_load()
- Case 1 when i don’t use validator_group = [FlameFilesValidator] in class TrainFW(Firework)
This shows that Jobs described in c = Custodian([], jobs, validators=validators) is working but not validators
job runs successfully but state is fizzled and error is as follows
ERROR in atomate.erro file
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 262, in run
m_action = t.run_task(my_spec)
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/atomate/atomate/vasp/firetasks/", line 107, in run_task
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/custodian/custodian/", line 372, in run
self._run_job(job_n, job)
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/custodian/custodian/", line 501, in _run_job
if v.check():
TypeError: check() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
2) Case 2 when i use validator_group = [FlameFilesValidator] in class TrainFW(Firework)
code does not run at all…i.e if i uncomment that line and comment the immediate above line
ERROR while running on console
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 402, in add_wf
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 1583, in _upsert_fws
self.fireworks.insert_many((fw.to_db_dict() for fw in fws))
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/atomate_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/", line 757, in insert_many
blk.ops = [doc for doc in gen()]
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/atomate_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/", line 757, in <listcomp>
blk.ops = [doc for doc in gen()]
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/atomate_env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymongo/", line 747, in gen
for document in documents:
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 1583, in <genexpr>
self.fireworks.insert_many((fw.to_db_dict() for fw in fws))
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 312, in to_db_dict
m_dict = self.to_dict()
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 142, in _decorator
m_dict = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 268, in to_dict
spec['_tasks'] = [t.to_dict() for t in self.tasks]
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/core/", line 268, in <listcomp>
spec['_tasks'] = [t.to_dict() for t in self.tasks]
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 171, in _decorator
m_dict = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 143, in _decorator
m_dict = recursive_dict(m_dict)
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 83, in recursive_dict
for k, v in obj.items()}
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 83, in <dictcomp>
for k, v in obj.items()}
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 86, in recursive_dict
return [recursive_dict(v, preserve_unicode) for v in obj]
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 86, in <listcomp>
return [recursive_dict(v, preserve_unicode) for v in obj]
File "/scratch/hpc-prf-cbsc/ram/thesis/atomate_3.6/codes/fireworks/fireworks/utilities/", line 76, in recursive_dict
return recursive_dict(obj.as_dict(), preserve_unicode)
TypeError: as_dict() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
and the code is running perfectly if i don’t have any handlers and validators
Validator – FlameFilesValidator – checks existince of flame_log.yaml file
Jobs—FlameJob-----runs flame_cmd (which is jus like vasp_cmd)
Firetask ----- RunFlameCustodian
Please check the details about these below
class RunFlameCustodian(FiretaskBase):
required_params = ["flame_cmd"]
optional_params = ["validator_group"]
def run_task(self, fw_spec):
validator_groups_dict = {"default": [FlameFilesValidator], "no_handler": []}
# jus like vasp_cmd ...this is flame_cmd
flame_cmd = env_chk(self["flame_cmd"], fw_spec)
if isinstance(flame_cmd, str):
flame_cmd = os.path.expandvars(flame_cmd)
flame_cmd = shlex.split(flame_cmd)
# construct jobs
jobs = [FlameJob(flame_cmd = flame_cmd)]
# construct validators
validator_group = self.get("validator_group", "default")
if isinstance(validator_group, str):
validators = validator_groups_dict[validator_group]
validators = validator_group
c = Custodian([], jobs, validators=validators)
class FlameJob(Job):
A basic flame job.
def __init__(self, flame_cmd, output_file="flame.out", stderr_file="std_err.txt"):
self.flame_cmd = flame_cmd
self.output_file = output_file
self.stderr_file = stderr_file
def setup(self):
def run(self):
Perform the flame run.
(subprocess.Popen) Used for monitoring.
cmd = self.flame_cmd"Running {}".format(" ".join(cmd)))
with open(self.output_file, "w") as f_std, open(self.stderr_file, "w", buffering=1) as f_err:
# use line buffering for stderr
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=f_std, stderr=f_err)
return p
def postprocess(self):
class FlameFilesValidator(Validator):
Check for existence of 'flame_log.yaml' that flame
normally create/s upon running.
def __init__(self):
def check(self):
for vfile in ["flame_log.yaml"]:
if not os.path.exists(vfile):
return True
return False