NaN for Temp, Epair... in thermal conductivity calculation of silicon (EMD)

Dear Lammps users,

Hi, I am trying to calculate thermal conductivity of bulk silicon using Green-Kubo approach. I was able to get the conductivity of ~200 W/m-K as setting up the structure within the input file (lattice, region, creeate_box, etc…) with sw potential. Now I am trying to use ‘read_data’ command with the data file containing silicon atom positions in 6 x 6 x 6 unit cells, to see its isotopic effect.

However, I keep getting ‘nan’ for Temp, Epair, TotEng, … in the output file, and the simulation ended up with an error message " Invalid thermo keyword in variable formula"

I wonder why this happened with ‘read_data’ command despite the successful simulation with the material structure defined within the input file.

I am attaching the input file, data file, and output file. Please let me know if you can see that I am wrong on doing this.

Thank you in advance,

%-------------input file-------------------------

units metal
variable T equal 300
variable V equal vol
variable dt equal 0.001
variable p equal 10000 # correlation length
variable s equal 5 # sample interval
variable d equal $p*$s # dump interval

convert from LAMMPS real units to SI

variable kB equal 1.3806504e-23 # [J/K] Boltzmann
variable eV2J equal 1.602e-19
variable A2m equal 1.0e-10
variable ps2s equal 1.0e-12
variable convert equal {eV2J}*{eV2J}/{ps2s}/{A2m}

setup problem

dimension 3
boundary p p p
#lattice diamond 5.43 orient x 1 0 0 orient y 0 1 0 orient z 0 0 1
#region box block 0 8 0 8 0 8
#create_box 1 box
#create_atoms 1 box
atom_style atomic
read_data siData.meam
#mass 1 28.0855
pair_style sw
pair_coeff * * Si.sw Si
timestep ${dt}
thermo $d

equilibration and thermalization

velocity all create $T 4928459 mom yes rot yes dist gaussian
fix NPT all npt temp $T $T 1 x 0.0 0.0 10 y 0.0 0.0 10 z 0.0 0.0 10
run 2000000

thermal conductivity calculation, switch to NVE if desired

unfix NPT

fix NVE all nve
reset_timestep 0
compute myKE all ke/atom
compute myPE all pe/atom
compute myStress all stress/atom virial
compute flux all heat/flux myKE myPE myStress
variable Jx equal c_flux[1]/vol
variable Jy equal c_flux[2]/vol
variable Jz equal c_flux[3]/vol
fix JJ all ave/correlate $s $p $d &

c_flux[1] c_flux[2] c_flux[3] type auto file J0Jt.dat ave running
variable scale equal {convert}/{kB}/$T/$T/$V*s*{dt}
variable k11 equal trap(f_JJ[3]){scale} variable k22 equal trap(f_JJ[4])*{scale}
variable k33 equal trap(f_JJ[5])
thermo_style custom step temp v_Jx v_Jy v_Jz v_k11 v_k22 v_k33
run 1000000
variable k equal (v_k11+v_k22+v_k33)/3.0
variable ndens equal count(all)/vol
print “average conductivity: $k[W/mK] @ T K, {ndens} /A^3”

%-------------data file-------------------------

Position data for Bulk Silicon

1963 atoms

1 atom types

0 32.5800 xlo xhi
0 32.5800 ylo yhi
0 32.5800 zlo zhi


1 28.0855


1 1 0 0 0
2 1 5.43000 0 0
3 1 5.43000 5.43000 0
4 1 5.43000 0 5.43000
5 1 5.43000 5.43000 5.43000
6 1 0 5.43000 0
7 1 0 5.43000 5.43000

%-------------output file-------------------------

LAMMPS (10 Jan 2014)
using 1 OpenMP thread(s) per MPI task
Reading data file …
orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (32.58 32.58 32.58)
3 by 4 by 4 MPI processor grid
1963 atoms
Setting up run …
Memory usage per processor = 2.09671 Mbytes
Step Temp E_pair E_mol TotEng Press Volume
0 300 -nan 0 -nan -nan 34582.25
50000 -nan -nan 0 -nan -nan -nan
100000 -nan -nan 0 -nan -nan -nan
150000 -nan -nan 0 -nan -nan -nan
200000 -nan -nan 0 -nan -nan -nan
250000 -nan -nan 0 -nan -nan -nan
300000 -nan -nan 0 -nan -nan -nan


Dear Lammps users,

Hi, I am trying to calculate thermal conductivity of bulk silicon using
Green-Kubo approach. I was able to get the conductivity of ~200 W/m-K as
setting up the structure within the input file (lattice, region,
creeate_box, etc..) with sw potential. Now I am trying to use 'read_data'
command with the data file containing silicon atom positions in 6 x 6 x 6
unit cells, to see its isotopic



However, I keep getting 'nan' for Temp, Epair, TotEng, ... in the output
file, and the simulation ended up with an error message " Invalid thermo
keyword in variable formula"


%-------------data file-------------------------
Position data for Bulk Silicon

1963 atoms

First of all, a 6x6x6 diamond lattice does not have 1963 atoms - 1728 is
the correct number.

1 atom types

0 32.5800 xlo xhi
0 32.5800 ylo yhi
0 32.5800 zlo zhi


        1 28.0855


1 1 0 0 0
2 1 5.43000 0 0
3 1 5.43000 5.43000 0
4 1 5.43000 0 5.43000
5 1 5.43000 5.43000 5.43000
6 1 0 5.43000 0
7 1 0 5.43000 5.43000

Second of all, these are incorrect coordinates for diamond. How did you
build your data file?

If you also look at your 1963th atom you will probably see coordinates with
values larger than you box dimensions. On top of incorrect coordinates,
you also have overlapping atoms.
